Consolidated Liberator, Clonmany, Donegal March 1943
The early morning of March 18, 1943 would find the Irish Army
garrison at Fort Lenan in County Donegal called out to deal with
another foreign military aircraft crew in difficulty on Irish
The previous morning, seven men from the Royal Air Forces 86
Squadron based at Aldergrove outside Belfast boarded their
Consolidated Liberator bomber and took off on a long convoy
escort mission. Their assigned mission was to provide anti
submarine escort to a transatlantic convoy, SC122. This
convoy, along with another HX229, were being subjected to
concentrated attacks by German U-boat packs from the morning of
the 16th March. The report from the Squadron Operations
Record Book (ORB) records that they picked up three merchant
vessels an hour after take off. It was not until 17:45
hours before they reported sighting the 27 merchant and 3
escorts of convoy HX229. They commenced their patrol
pattern a little under two hours later and again found convoy
HX229 at 21:00. They do not appear to have sighted convoy
SC122 at any time during their patrol. They stayed near
the convoy for an hour before departing with an intention of
heading for Benbecula in Scotland
The remainder of their night was taken up with trying achieve
landfall. Owing to a change in wind, the course set for
Eagle Island off the west coast of Belmullet in County Mayo
found the crew west ward of where they wanted to be at and at
03:50 in the morning, they jettisoned their depth charges to
save fuel consumption. Over the following hour or so, they
were able to obtain radio direction bearings from RAF Talbanny,
Scotland and Ronaldsway on the Isle of Man. Two and a half
hours after their expected time of arrival back at Aldergrove
they finally made landfall but were unable to determine where
they were. They circled around until dawn only to loose
one engine due to fuel starvation at 06:15. A half hour
later, dawn revealed 10/10 clouds. Setting course for
Limavady airfield, a second engine cut out. The Captain
then determined to find a suitable place to put down in once the
clouds provided visibility.
The ORB strangely has all this detail entered on the 20 March
1943, however reference numbers for signals recorded with the
entry indicate the true dates of 17/18 March. The ORB
doesn't mention the aircraft having landed in neutral Ireland
however, and records the landing as being at 'Eglington Marshes at 07:45 hrs".
The aircraft and its crew of seven thus found themselves at
approx 07:45 on the morning of 18 March, stranded on Tullagh
Strand, 2 km north west of Clonmany, Co. Donegal and some
7 km north east of Fort Leenan. The aircraft seems to have
come to a halt somewhere on the beach along the edge of
Crossconnell townland.
The Irish Army and Foreign Affairs records of this event are
rather sparse, consisting of only a few pages between a number
of files. The location is variously recorded a Tallaght
or Tullan Strands, near Clonmany.
The crew of seven were taken into the care of the Irish
military and they recorded the crews names as F/O Hammond,
P/O James along with Sergeants Bolton, Hickie,
Stewart, Tracy and Bipple. They reported they were
on an air sea rescue (ASR) mission, and had run short on fuel
and suffered wireless (radio) failure. No injuries were
reported by the crew. The file is largely hand written and this
makes for a difficult to understand file in this instance.
The crew were taken to the border post at Bridgend at 20:00
hours that evening.
The event, rather strangely is mentioned in a number of books
post war, though strangely, none mention the fact that the
landing occurred in neutral Ireland.
The ‘event’ was formally written up in the official three
volume history of the RAF during the war, Royal Air Force
1939-1945, Volume III, The Fight is Won, by Hilary St. G
Saunders, HMSO London from 1954. In a description
for the battle of convoys HX229 and SC122, the following was
written: A third Liberator was unable
to find the convoy and returned to base after a flight of
over twenty hours where it made a forced landing without
injury to the crew.
The event then is covered in a number of books by Martin
Middlebrook on Coastal Command operations, including the 2011
publication, Convoy SC122 & HX229: Climax of the Battle of
the Atlantic, March 1943. This book mentions W H Bryan as
a source, but no details of him are included. The mission
narrative in the book reads as:
The extra Liberator was flown by Flying
Officer Chas Hammond of 86 Squadron; he had been detailed to
provide SC.122’s pre-dusk patrol but had failed to find that
convoy and flown well past it. Volunteer signalled what
little information it could about SC.122’s whereabouts and
the Liberator flew away but, despite a four-hour search, it
never found its own convoy. It was for this reason that
SC.122 failed to receive its air cover in the last hours of
daylight. (Hammond’s crew had further trouble on their
homeward flight. They were diverted to Benbecula because of
bad weather at Aldergrove but had great difficulty in making
a landfall in the dark. After two engines cut out through
lack of petrol, a landing ground was finally found at
Eglinton near Londonderry and the Liberator landed after
having been in the air for twenty hours and thirty minutes.
Then the arrival at Eglinton was not reported to their home
airfield and, while the exhausted crew slept all through 18
March, six Coastal Command aircraft were searching over the
sea for them.) Middlebrook, Martin. Convoy
SC122 & HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March
1943 (p. 313). Pen & Sword Books. Kindle Edition.
The ORB of the RAF's 226 Maintenance Unit records that on 20th
April 1943, F/Lt H S Moore returned to their base with the
salvaged remains of Liberator FK222. Despite this, it was
not officially struck off charge (SOC) until June 1945.
Liberator FK222 was a Liberator Mk III model, generally
equivalent to the US Army Air Forces B-24D bomber but equipped
with a number of British items of equipment.
Identification of the crew proved to be difficult due to the
vagaries of the contemporary record keeping. The surviving
ORB for 86 Squadron mentions only the movements of officers and
barely ever records their serial numbers. The non
commissioned aircrew are recorded on operational missions by
rank, name and initials only. On top of this, the Irish Army
appear to have either been given incorrect names by the crew or
the hand writing being so indecipherable, the names recorded do
not match those listed in the Squadron ORB.
Thus, ignoring the names Hickie, Stewart, Tracy and Bipple,
the actual crew complement on the flight was:
F/O E C HAMMOND 1st Pilot
P/O R P JAMES 2nd Pilot
F/Sgt A BOLTON Navigator
Sgt A W Cave
F/Sgt H J Williams Wireless
Operator/Air gunner
F/Sgt A W THIELE Wireless
Operator/Air gunner
Sgt W H Bryan
Wireless Operator/Air gunner
At the time of writing, it has not been possible to fully
identify the three men, Cave, Williams and Bryan. The
reasons for this are combination of the following. The
Irish Army throughout the war time period recorded various
levels of detail from foreign airmen. Sometimes, the
researcher is presented with the mans name, rank serial number
and even next of kin addresses. In the case of FK222's
crew, the NCO crew members names seem to have become completely
garbled, perhaps by accident of hand writing or deliberate
confusion by the crew. Though why only three members names
were recorded correct is unknown. Secondly, the surviving
records in the currently available RAF public records including
the 86 Squadron ORB and the service file of F/Sgt Thiele, simply
don't record the enlisted men's serial numbers or full
names. Like many ORB during the war, only the surname and
initials were recorded on the operational flights, the in the
monthly summaries, only the postings and movements of the
officers were recorded, and even then, even their serial numbers
are not recorded. it is hoped that in the coming years,
the AIR81 Casualty file for FK222, if one were raised will
finally confirm the men's identities. By virtue of their
being commonwealth personnel, it was possible to identify who
Bolton and Thiele were.
The two pilots names however could be confirmed since they were
recorded on the Air Ministry Form 1180, report on the crash.
Ernest Charles HAMMOND, then Flying Officer, serial
number 117319, had been posted into 86 Squadron from 143
Squadron in early December 1942. With 143 Squadron, which
was at the time acting as a training squadron, he had flown on
Bristol Blenheim and Beaufighter aircraft. He flew one air
sea rescue mission on the last day of August 1942 and another on
September 6th with that unit. He is then recorded in
December 1942 as flying one reconnaissance flight of the Dutch
coast in a Beaufighter. His posting date to 143 Squadron
is unclear but it may have been as early mid march 1943, when
six pilots, under training, were posted in from 3 PRC in
Bournemouth. They were described as having trained with 31
OTU at Debert, in Nova Scotia. His name appears on a list
of pilots on the manifest of the SS Trojan Star which arrived in
Liverpool 8 February 1942, aged 31. The list is struck
through so it is unclear if the men were actually on the
Martin Middlebrook name's this officer as "Chas Hammond" in his
books on convoy SC122 and HX229.
Hammond's time with 86 Squadron continued throughout 1943 and
up to August 1944 when he was posted out to 1674 Heavy
Conversion Unit. His last patrol on 6 August 1944 included in
the crew W/O's Bryan, Williams and Cave.
In 1956, in the London Gazette recorded his cessation of service
with the RAF. It is not known if he had served up to that
Air Ministry, 13th November, 1956
The undermentioned relinquish their commissions under the
provisions of the Navy, Army and Air Force Reserves Act,
1954, and have been granted permission to retain their rank,
as stated, with effect from the dates stated:—
Flight Lieutenants, retaining their
rank :
E. C. HAMMOND (117319). 27th Aug. 1956
Besides that above, little else is known about Ernest Charles
Hammond at this time.
Ronald Peter James, the second pilot on FK222, was again identified from the Form 1180 for the aircraft. And luckily, it was possible to contact his family who were able to share details of his wartime service.
Ronald, or
Peter as he was always known, was born in Swansea.
His sons were able to summarise his service career as as
I have all my father’s log books.
Towards the end of his life he annotated these and other
documents. Prior to Aldergrove in Febuary 1943 he was at No.
1509 Beam Approach Training Flight, Dyce, Aberdeen on
Oxfords. Earlier in 1942 he was at No. 31 General
Reconnaissance School, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
Canada, on Ansons.
There is no record of a period at an ‘OTU’. No. 86
squadron was at Aldergrove from 7 March to 30 June 1943.
According to his log the plane in question on March 17, 1943
was Liberator FK222 with twin Wasp engines which made a
forced landing from lack of fuel at the end of Atlantic
convoy patrol number 49560
Thus at the time of your incidence he was attached to
86 squadron at Aldergrove. The Liberator squadron was
operational over the Atlantic and hence the ‘corridor’ over
the ‘south’ was utilised. His log books cover all of their
period at Aldergrove and comprise four double pages.
He subsequently, in July 1943, was at No. 3 (C) OTU,
Withybush, Pembrokeshire on Wellington IC aircraft. Then by
mid September it was No. 303 Flying Training Unit, Talbenny,
Pembrokeshire. Then by September 23, 1943 he was attached to
No. 621 Squadron with Wellington XIII aircraft and en route
to Mombassa, Kenya; Aden and Mogadishu, Somaliland. Much
else follows until the end of war !
There is a portrait picture of Dad
taken when he was a Flight Lieutenant aged 23 and a flying
instructor at 24 Air School, Nigel, Transvaal 1944-45.
Peter's log book
records the event, as many men did, with little detail or
fanfare. The red ink was added post war when he was
annotating his wartime records. The flight hours page
of the log book records this mission as a grueling eleven
hour day flying, with nine and a half hours of night
flying. This latter night time period was when the
crew must have known they were in difficulty.

Peter married in 1948
The A Bolton recorded by
the ORB turned out to be Alexander Bolton, the lack of
serial number in the Irish and RAF records making it to
difficult to determine who he was. Shortly after the
landing in Clonmany, the 86 Squadron ORB lists the return to the
unit of a P/O A Bolton, returning from a course at 1 (Coastal)
OTU. The ORB only records the movements of officers, so
the conclusion is that he went to the OTU as a Sergeant or
Warrant Officer and received his commission while away from the
Squadron. At that time in April and May 1943, Canadian
newspapers carried a small article about a group of RCAF men who
had received their Commishions as officers while based in the
United Kingdom. Among them, a navigator named Alexander
Bolton from Ardhill, Saskatchewan.
On the 15th and 23rd April, a P/O A Bolton is listed as being
posted out of 86 Squadron to 220 Squadron. The ORB for
that unit, records his arrival, but like the 86 Squadron dairy
no serial numbers are recorded. Finally, in May 1943, his
posting from 220 Squadron to 422 Squadron is recorded, and
finally one can find a serial number in the latter's ORB, namely
CAN.J16903, P/O A. Bolton, Nav 'B'.
This posting was to 422 Squadron, then flying Sunderland flying
boats, and would continue until October 1944. At that
point he was posted to 4 OTU for non operational duties.
Some five months into his posting with 422 Squadron, Alexander
would find himself adrift at sea with his crew, and in desperate
need of rescue.
The story of the events of 3 to 6 September 1943 is told on the
following video by the son of the other navigator on board.
Alexander was crew member on Sunderland DD861 which took off
from Castle Archdale on a Percussion patrol in the early morning
of 3 September 1943. Around eleven hours into the mission
the starboard left outer engine suddenly caught fire and dropped
off the wing into the sea. It took with it the wing tip
float and part of the wing. The adjacent inner engine then
also failed due the fuel pipes being compromised. The
captain of the aircraft managed to land on the sea and it
remained afloat only long enough to allow the crew escape.
Alexander received an injury in the landing, his head smashing
off nearby equipment, and this explains his bandaged appearance
in the photo above. After strapping their dinghy's
together, the men had to wait three days before they were
happened upon by an American Liberator bomber, and later that
day, a Sunderland flying boat came to their location. The
pilot of this aircraft, from 228 Squadron was F/Lt H C S
Armstrong. He took the risky decision to land at sea and
managed to collect the crew of twelve. For his efforts, he
was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. He and some of
his crew would sadly loose their lives on 31 January 1944,
when their Sunderland, serial number DW110 of 228 Squadron, crashed in Co.
With the information that Alexander Bolton came from Archill, it
was possible to learn that he had been born in January 1917 to
parents, Abraham and Ellen. It appears that the family
name was Zaboltney or Zabolotny, spelling varies across records
and documents.
He passed away on 12 March 2004 in Vancouver.
Alan Wilkie THIELE 401057 was born in March
1921 to William and Anne Marie Thiele in Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia. By virtue of his being a member of the Royal
Australian Air Force, his service career is well known and easy
to obtain details of via the countries national archives.
He had worked briefly as a clerk and a wool worker before
enlisting in December 1940. He trained in Australia as an
Air Gunner and Wireless Operator before embarking for England in
the middle of September, 1941. The new year of 1942 would
see him posted to 1 Radio School and then 1 (Coastal)
Operational Training Unit before a posting to 407 Squadron on 29
April. He served there for just under a year, being posted
to 86 Squadron in February 1943. While serving with 407
Squadron, he featured in a press article in many Australian
newspapers in July 1942. An example of these is shown
below from the The Sun, Sydney, NSW on Saturday, 18th July
Australians As "Demons"
LONDON, Saturday.
Four Australian sergeants belong to the "Demon
Squadron," of the Royal Canadian Air Force in the Coastal
Command, which earned that
nickname because of its mast-high attacks against enemy
They are Alan Thiele, of Middle Park, Melbourne: Eric
Cowled, of South Australia, and Geoffrey White and John
Sharpe of Western Australia.
The squadron has sunk 250,000 tons of shipping of the
Dutch coast.
Thiele, interviewed by "The Sun" representative said,
"The squadron already has a casualty list as long as your
arm, but the effectiveness off our twilight attacks is
proved by the fact that the Germans usually protect a convoy
of three or four merchantmen with four flak-ships, balloons
and fighters.
"A Hudson bomber, in which Sharpe and Cowled were
members of the crew, recently tore of its bomb-doors and
left ifs wireless aerial trailing around the mast of a ship
during a low-level attack. Then it made a direct hit and
blew up a big tanker."
Sharpe and Cowled, who participated in the
thousand-plane raid over Bremen, said, "The squadron reckons
a Bomber Command job is just a piece of cake compared with
our nightly mast-high attacks."
His time with 86 Squadron ended on 4 April 1944 after 35
operational sorties, on top of his 18 with 407 Squadron, and he
was posted to 1674 HCU in August 1944. While there, he was
commissioned as an officer. By January 1945, he had
returned to Australia and spent the remainder of the year being
posted to various training establishments. He spent a
short period of temporary duty on Morotai island in the autumn
of 1945, before returning to Australia and leaving the
service. He remained on the RAAF Reserve until the 1970's
when his name is found in the government gazettes.
He married in 1946 but tragically lost his young wife, Dalene,
from illness in 1949.
Alan passed away in July 2003 in the Gold Coast, Australia.
The only information known about W H Bryan was that he
is a named contributor to the author Martin Middlebrook in his
book, Convoy SC122 & HX229: Climax of the Battle of the
Atlantic, March 1943. It is thus assumed he referred to
his pilot as "Chas Hammond".
Compiled by Dennis Burke, 2023.