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This website provides a source of information for family, friends and the public interested in finding out more about foreign aircraft and their crews involved in crashes or landings in and around neutral Ireland during the Second World War, 1939-1945.

If a relative of yours is named below, I would be delighted to hear from you in order to add them to a more detailed memorial story page.

Whether you know the name, dates, departure or crash site of the crew, this website hopes to provide you with some additional information you may find useful.

If you would like submit an inquiry to me, please visit the Contact page linked at the top of the page, I'll be happy to assist you to the best of my abilities.

The incidents below are listed chronologically. To search, please press the Ctrl & F keys and insert the keyword(s).
Note: The letters DIS after a name below indicate that the airman survived the incident in Ireland but died or was killed in a later wartime incident, either accident or by enemy action.POW indicates they were later captured by Axis forces while in combat and the letters INT indicate those airmen interned by the Irish authorities.

Date/Format Aircraft Identity Markings Operator Unit County (Near) Location Killed Other Pilot/Crew/Passengers
September 3, 1939 Short S.25 Sunderland I L2158 none RAF MAEE Dublin Skerries 0 - "S/Ldr Montague Cecil COLLINS 24124 Crew not yet determined"
Arrived off shore at approx 1.25pm, pilot came ashore. Aircraft left at 4:45 in the company of L7252. Not in difficulty. Aircraft later crashed in 1942. Pilot name determined from London Gaette and London Times papers, only matching name and rank. Names of remaining crew members not yet known.
[Refs: MA File G2/X/1224, a/c serial number quoted; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B1 ; Robertson p.108; ABS gives MAEE. Photo MacCarron p.15
September 3, 1939 Saro A.36 Lerwick I L7252 None RAF Saunders Roe, Air Ministry Delivery Pool; MAEE Dublin Dun Laoghaire and later Skerries 0 - "F/O David Kynvin BANKS 37077
Crew not yet determined."
Arrived at Skerries at 3:40 pm and left in the company of L2158 at 4:45. Off course due to bad weather. Names of remaining crew members not yet known. Aircraft history card shows it not assigned to a Squadron until taken on by 209 Sqn in February 1941 after time with 4 MU.
[Ref: MA File G2/X/1224, serial number quoted; RAF Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.11;IMA #B2 & #B1(Incorrectly I/d as Sunderland); Robertson p.111, ABS says Manufacturer then 209 Sqn, NOT 240 Sqn; Flypast Feb 1987 gives these as Sunderland and implies two aircraft, Note McNeill p.108. Photo MacCarron p.15; Pilot found in LG; IWM have interview with him #27250; ORB not clear on cat.]
September 14, 1939 Short S.25 Sunderland I N9023 Unknown RAF 228 Sqn Kerry Ventry Bay 0 8 F/L Edward John BROOKS 37378
Sgt Lewis James MOUNTJOY 563347
Sgt Harry LITTLEWOOD 513487
Sgt Daniel "Don" Martin PURCELL 530113
Sgt. Leslie 'Les' Charles Major HALE 522295 DIS
Sgt. Harold 'Yosser' HUGHES 906906
AC1 Peter Alexander Harold MOON 550955
AC2 Edward James HEWERDINE 566884 DIS
" Arrived with a damaged hydraulic line, was repaired and left later that day. Aircraft later crashed in 1941 in Iceland. The pilot, Brooks filed a post flight report which read: ""While carrying out an anti-submarine patrol on the 14-9-39 in the Western Approaches and in the vicinity of the Fastnet Rock it was noticed that the port inner engine was behaving in an erratic manner all attempts to rectify the matter in the air were unsuccessful so it was decided to make a forced alighting.
At 0730 a forced landing was carried out in DINGLE BAY outside the three mile limit and the aircraft taxied to an anchorage in Ventry Bay.
A boat was hired and the fractured pipe which was the cause of the trouble was taken ashore and repaired by the local garage. The local superintendant of Police met us at the pier and proved to be most helpful - organising facilities for the repair of the pipe and also for return transport to the aircraft on its completion. At 1400 hours we were allowed to leave after enquiries had been made as regards internment from the Chief of Police in Dublin.
During the return to Pembroke Dock we assisted in an anti-submarine search with three destroyers near the spot where the S.S. Vancouver City had been sunk a little earlier - with no result.
[Refs: PJ Cummins article Ireland Eye, Sept. 2005 and Evans, ""Help From Heaven"", p.18; Both supplied kindly by PJ Cummins;AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; MacCarron p.14 & 143; Dwyer p.12; WRGI website; IMA #B3 but gives 19/09/1939; Robertson p.140; ABS agrees, The aircraft crashed 1941 with 204 Sqn; Ref: AIR 27/1412, Names found from 228 Sqn book Help from Heaven, which showed six names, the crew being on a detachment to 202 Squadron earlier that month, the crew of eight was found listed in the 202 Squadron ORB. Hewerdine died in 1942 win the in the Duke of Kent crash. Hale lost his life Nov 1940; ORB AIR 27/1412]"
April 19, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley ERROR N/A RAF N/A Cork Off Fastnet Rock 0 0 Error
This is mentioned in D MacCarron's listing in Wings over Ireland but is an error, see Same date 1942; Not on IMA list, RAFCom forum April 04
May 16, 1940 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden I L4045 EA-Q RAF 49 Sqn., Scampton, Lincs Kildare Curragh 0 4 "Sgt Thomas Pinckney PRATT 580073 DIS
Sgt Arthur Robert CADMAN 580484 DIS
P/O George Lawlor Bernays HARRIS 41406
Crew lost their bearings returning from raid over German. Aircraft was refueled and allowed to depart.
[Refs: Crew names and details from John Wards Book, Beware the Dog at War.; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; London Gazette checked for Cadman and Harris, also CWGC; MA File ACF-S-036, small detail, serial number quoted; MacCarron p.15 & 143 (gives date 6th May 40);IMA #B4 (gives 16th May); Robertson p.109; ABS confirm, crashed 1941; ref: AIR 50/187 Combat report; T P Pratt would be KIA in Aug 1941 while A R Cadman was KIA in Mar 1944.]
June 23, 1940 Hawker Henley L3319 Unknown RAF 1 ATS Sligo Easky 0 2 Names were not recorded as the crew only spoke breifly with civilians
The aircraft serial was recorded by the Gardai after speaking with people who witnessed the landing. This aircraft was at that time assinged to No. 1 Armaments Training Station. Recorded in the Department of Justice files in the Irish National Archives. There is no Military Archives file. Tony Kearns explained it was on the ground only for a few minutes on the RAF Commands forum.
[Refs: TOCH thread September 2008, M. Gleeson provided the serial number from Irish National Archives data. Mentioned only on IMA #B5.]
August 20, 1940 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-1 Believed to be Wrk Nm 0015 F8+KH Luftwaffe I/KG40 Kerry "Faha Ridge, Mount Brandon; Beilnaleacan townland above Cloghane Village
0 6 "Oblt. Kurt H MOLLENHAUER (Int)
Ofw. Robert BEUMER (Int)
Fw. Ludwig WOCHNER (Int)
Uffz. Hans A. BELL (Int)
Gefr. Kurt KYCK (Int)
Reg.Rat. Dr. Erich KRUEGER (Int) "
Crashed in poor weather on the slope above the Grotto on the pilgrims path. They were the first aircrew to be interned during the Emergency. One engine from this aircraft is displayed outside one to of the pubs in Cloghane. The last survivor Kurt Kyck who returned to live in Ireland died in August 2010.
[Refs: See Cumins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 3; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Irish independent Aug 21 1940; MacCarron p.89 & 143, Dwyer p.24; Quinn p.155 ; IMA #G1; Article on the incident by Gerard O'Regan on his site WRGI Site. M O'Reilly, Aviation News UK, Sept 2003; Some photos taken by walkers in 1998, at the crash site, external link. I don't know that these parts still exist on the slope.]
September 15, 1940 Dornier Do18D 810 K6-FL Luftwaffe 3/Kflgp406 Wexford In sea off the Saltee Islands 0 3 "Unknown
Crashed in the water during takeoff and the crew were taken away by another Do-18. This aircraft was for a long time thought to have come down in Irish waters but was down in the English Channel. M Gleeson confirmed this within German BA records.
[Refs: Cummins Ch.18/p.125; Quinn p.155; IMA #G2; MacCarron p.143]
September 29, 1940 Heinkel He111P 2822 G1+DT Luftwaffe 8 / III / KG55 Wexford Off coast 5 0 "Oblt. Hans KOHLER +
Fw. Horst BIRKHOLZ +
Uffz. Rudolf FIRCHAU 58246/314 +
Gefr. Franz GÜNTHER +
Fw. Martin LIPPERT +"
This aircraft was shot down by Hurricane P5178 of the RAF (see below).
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 5, Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Cummins Ch. 4/p.29; IMA #G3, Quinn p.18, Birkholz, Günther and Firchau buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); used to be recorded on a KG 55 Memorial website, no longer online; MacCarron NIL mention, Battle over Britain, Mason - google books]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5177 or P2719 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wicklow Off shore, at sea. 1 0 F/O George Charles Boyce PETERS 40593 +
Shot down by return fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the squadron that day. Aircraft seen to crash dive into the sea. Pilots body later washed up at Grange and buried Rathnew cemetery.
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 5; Cummins Ch.4/29, D'Arcy p.253; Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane I P3203 or P5177 NV- RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford Off shore, at sea. 0 1 P/O George Hassall NELSON-EDWARDS 74355
Damaged by fire from the Luftwaffe flight attacked by the Squadron that day. Baled out into the Irish Sea but was rescued by passing vessel. No Irish military involvement but included for the record.
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 5; Cummins Ch.4/29, Robertson p.142]
September 29, 1940 Hawker Hurricane X P5178 NV-G RAF 79 Sqn / Pembrey, Wales Wexford The townland of Island or Ballyvadden, both of which are North East of Oulart 0 1 F/O Paul Francis MAYHEW 74336 (Int)(Esc) DIS
"This aircraft had shot down Heinkel He111 2822 G1+DT above. The location of the landing is described in Irish Army report as Island townland, but elsewhere as Ballyvadden a nearby townland. It was salvaged by the Irish Air Corps and sold to the irish government, entering service with the Irish Air Corps as #93. Mayhew was interned in the Curragh and escaped in July 41 but was killed in flying accident in England in February 1942. See his biography at the Battle of Britain Memorial Website
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 5; Cummins Ch.4/29; T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Feb. 1984 - A Trio Of Hurricanes - The first of the Few; London Gazette; CWGC site; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; UK NA AIR50 Combat report; MacCarron p.39 & 143 (Serial No and Sqn. Number (49) & Codes wrong, story mixed with 21/08/41), details correct in W.o.I. ; Dwyer p.33; Quinn p.18; IMA #B6; Robertson p.144 mentions this aircraft to Eire]"
October 1, 1940 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V N1483 ZA-I RAF 10 Sqn / Leeming Waterford Off shore in Irish Sea 0 5 "F/O Leslie David WOOD 40277
P/O Kenna HUMBY 81059
Sgt. Clive DOUGLAS-BROWNE 581209
Sgt. Ernest Reginald MOUNSEY 641115
Sgt. Ronald Mason THOMAS 971203 (DIS)
This aircraft while returning from a bombing raid on Berlin, over shot its base in England and was forced to ditch in the Irish sea. All crew were rescued by a trawler off Waterford and landed in Holyhead that evening.
[Refs: Information as provided by M. Gleeson 2008]
01/10/1940 Date ? Focke-Wulf Fw200 Unknown Unknown Luftwaffe Unknown Cork Nr. Castletownbere 0 0 -
This aircraft loss is mentioned on in Quinn, Down in a Free State but no other sources back this up and is most likely due to the poor sources available at the time the book was written.
[Refs: Quinn p.156, claim six men on board.]
October 11, 1940 Dornier Do17Z-3 3475 7T-EK Luftwaffe 2/Kflgp606 Meath Off coast 4 0 "Lt. Horst FELBER 73712/49 +
Oblt. Friedrich-Wilhelm RICHTER 73712/2 +
Gefr. Walter HOPPMANN 73712/48 +
Uffz Eugen WEBER 73552/49 +
This aircraft I understand was shot down by RAF fighters of 611 Squadron while on a raid on Liverpool. The bodies of Felder and Hoppman were washed upon the Irish coast and are now buried in the German war cemetery in Glencree. Oblt. Richter's body was found in the UK coast on November 7th and is burried in Cannock Chase cemetery.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 4, Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Quinn p.155; MacCarron p.143, Error in a/c type, not Do172-3);IMA #G4; Felber and Hoppmann buried in Glencree (Volksbund site); NA DFA 241/184; Battle over Britain suggests name may be Juergen Weber]
October 22, 1940 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-1 24 F8+OK Luftwaffe 2/KG.40 Galway Lost in the Atlantic, bodies found near Clifden 6 0 "Oblt. Theophil SCHULDT +
RegRat. Dr. Johannes (Hans) STURM +
Fw. Walter BERGHAUS +
Fw. Friedrich GRUBER +
Fw. Friedrich HOEGER +
Gefr. Walter GRASSEL +
Lost at sea on a weather recon mission. Four crew members were never found, two, Schuldt and Sturm, were washed up on the shore of Galway and are buried in Ireland.;
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 3; P Cornwell on TOCH Nov 2009; Cummins File 01/06 gives F8+DK; T Allen p.51 mentioned; MacCarron p.68 says it lost in August & p.143 date correct? Also gives Code F8+OK; Quinn p.156; IMA #G5; TOCH forum, Jan. 05; Schuldt and Sturm are buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)]
October 22, 1940 Error Error Error Luftwaffe Error Kerry The Kerry Head was sunk off Sheeps Head, Kerry - 0 -
Some sources suggest this supposed Fw200 aircraft may have been brought down by its own attack on the Irish merchant vessel Kerry Head. This may stem from post war hear say and errors by apparent witnesses. No reliable source of eyewitness to the attack was identified and it seems unlikely that this aircraft loss is real; Quinn p. 156; WRGI Website says crew interned which is incorrect; Frank Forde in 'The Long Watch' makes no mention of the attacking aircraft being lost. IMA list has only one loss for this date, see above.
November 18, 1940 Blohm und Voss Bv138A-1 386 8L+HK Luftwaffe 2/Kflgp906 Ireland In the Atlantic, no location known. 5 0 "B. Lt. zur See Karl CLAUS +
F. Uffz. Karl BÖCKER +
Bf. Uffz. August GROSS +
Bm. Uffz. Karl JENAL +
Bm. Uffz. Paul GEMS +
Missing at sea. A misnomer in that there is no knowledge of where it was lost, its operational area on the day been listed as 'near Ireland'.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 6; TOCH Forum Aug05, M. Gleeson & T. Kearns; Quinn p.156; MacCarron p.143 only]
November 25, 1940 Blohm und Voss Bv138A-1 381 I Luftwaffe 2/Kflgp906 Kerry Innisvickillane Island 0 5 "Oblt z. See. Konrad NEYMEYR (Int)(Esc)
Uffz. Willi KRUPP (Int)
Uffz. Erwin SACK (Int)
Fw. Hans BIEGEL (Int)
Ogefr. Ernest KALKOWSKI (Int)"
Engine trouble, force landed then damaged on rocks. Finally sunk by Irish Naval Service;
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 6; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; TOCH Forum Aug05, M.Gleeson & T. Kearns (A/C did not carry the codes 8L+CK) ; Dwyer p.44; Foley, Irish Times Magazine 22/10/05; Quinn p. 156; IMA #G6; MacCarron p. 70 A/c type given wrongly & 143]
December 21, 1940 Bristol Type 149 Blenheim IV(F) L9415 XK-T RAF 272 Sqn, Aldergrove, Co. Antrim Donegal Sladran, Nr Buncrana; inishowen Penn. 23-44 0 3 "Sgt Sydney John HOBBS 742901 (Int) (Esc) DIS
Sgt Douglas Victor NEWPORT 615682 (Int)
Sgt Herbert Wain RICKETTS 581473 (Int) DIS "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Hannigan, PCD D V Newport 615682; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.86; MA file G2/X/0616 missing; ACF-S-62 file reviewed; AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names; Sladran must be modern name for Slidrum, the location normally given; MacCarron p.143 & 35; Quinn p.16 & 116; Dwyer p.46; IMA #B8; Robertson p.112; ABS agrees; CWGC site; , McNeill and CWGC; ; Newport S/N from M Gleeson 07]
December 21, 1940 Miles Master I N8009 Unknown RAF 307 (Polish) Sqn., Jurby, Isle of Man Louth Dungooley, Dundalk 0 2 "P/O Aubrey Richard COVINGTON 42591 (Int)
P/O William Allan PROCTOR 78950 (Int)(Esc) "
Photos at left, (L) P/O Covington - (R) P/O Proctor. Aircraft was flying from Ringway to Jurby, crew had to force land in Ireland and both were interned. Aircraft had turned over during apparent attempt at taking off. Aircraft was dismantled at the site and removed to Dundalk barracks by the 27 Dec. Later bought by the Air Corps, renumbered No. 96, port wing, rudder unit, propeller, forward fuselage; elevator and other large sub assemblies needed to be replaced. I couldn't find a loss card for this in RAF Museum. Proctor escaped from internment in July 1941. Proctor was an Engineering Officer from the Squadron and rose to the rank of Flight Lieutenant in 1943. He was a prewar member of Strathay Flying Club and passed away in 1979 in Chelsea, London aged 64. Covington was released in October 1943 as part of the general release. He returned to combat duty with the RAF until the end of the war, his story is told here at this link.
[Refs: AIR 81/4651; Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names; MA File G2/X/0610 missing and reviewed salvage operation in ACF-S-61. AM Form 78 via M. Gleeson; Dwyer p.46; IMA #B7 ; Quinn p.19; Robertson p.139; ABS agrees;]
January 24, 1941 Lockheed Hudson I P5123 ZS-W RAF 233 Sqn., Aldergrove, Co. Antrim Sligo Derk Beg, Skreen 0 4 "P/O John William SHAW 78664 (Int) DIS
P/O Denys WELPLY 42472 (Int) DIS
P/O Roderick Thomas Redpath COWPER 41988 (Int)(Esc)
Sgt Norman Vyner TODD 551678 (Int)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: AIR 81/4929; MA File G2/X/0645 for names and details. T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Oct. 1983 - Lockheed Hudson, Atlantic Windfall; P J Cummins Irish Air Letter, Date unknown; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.91 gives P/O Snow ?; CWGC site for Welply and Shaw; IMA #B9, Quinn p.18, McGowan; MacCarron p.32 & 143; Dwyer p.52, gives P/O JW Shaw ?; Robertson p.143; Photo MacCarron p.31; Welply killed in Action Nov. 44 and Shaw in Jun 44, neither body being recovered from the sea. RTR Cowper 41988, if correct was taken POW Sep, 41, having escaped from Ireland in July 41; RAFM AM Forms 78 and 1180 via M Gleeson]
January 24, 1941 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V T4168 YG-E RAF 502 Sqn., Aldergrove, Co. Antrim Donegal Glenard Hill, E. of Buncrana, Inishowen Penn. 23-44 ? 3 2 "F/O Leslie John WARD 41501 (Int)
P/O Edward Ian Croucher JOHNSON 41931 +
Sgt James Edgar HOGG 969800 +
Sgt George Victor JEFFERSON 816145 (Int)
Sgt Lewis GREENWOOD 553918 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: AIR 81/4935; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.92;; RAFM AM Forms 78 and 1180 via M Gleeson; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names; IMA #B10; Quinn p.19-26 & 116, States one name as Johnston, not per; MacCarron p.35 date wrong, p.48 details & p.143; Dwyer p.52; Robertson p.156 Mk. V]
February 5, 1941 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-3 42 F8+AH Luftwaffe I / KG40 Cork Cashelfeane Hill, in Derryfunshion, near Dunbeacon on Dunmanus Bay. This area is to the north of Schull. 5 1 "Oblt. Paul GÖMMER +
Obfw. Willi DOSE +
Fw. Walter CLASEN +
Obfw. Werner ALBRECHT +
Major (Dr.) Erhard Ludwig HERRSTRÖM +
Obfw. Max HOHAUS"
This aircraft crashed in fog on the mountain side. The sole survivor, Mohaus, was hospitalized with burn injuries for two and a half years. A local woman Mary Nugent was awarded by the German government for assisting Hohaus with his injuries. The February 8, 1941 Southern Star carried a large front page article describing the circumstances of the crash. The five dead crew men are buried in Glencree (Volksbund site). Some printed sources have claimed it was damaged by flak from an Allied convoy at sea, but information researched by others suggests this is not the case. Refer to the TOCH Forum thread Feb05 and August 2010.
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 7; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; T.Allen p.80;Poolman, Scourge of the Atlantic names vessel as Major C, but this may be an error for the SS Majorca (warsailors Forum 2003, 2007) but this vessel was not in the area. ; IMA #G7; Dwyer p.52; MacCarron p.69 & 143; Quinn p.156; (Both MacCarron and Quinn give the Major C as the vessel shooting down)]
February 23, 1941 Heinkel He111H-5 1605 1G+LS Luftwaffe 8/KG.27 Kerry near Stone Head, Off Lauragh, Kenmare Bay. 4 0 "Fw. Arnold PUTZ +
Oblt. Konrad HAFELE +
Fw. Werner SEEGNER +
Fw. Friedrich SCHULTZ 62693/27 +"
This aircraft was on a patrol with two other aircraft when they made an attack on British fishing trawlers, the Dandara, Grackle P and Y, Solan and Ermine. Machine gun fire from the trawlers brought down thsi aircraft which crashed nearby. One survivor was seen to get out onto a wing but continuing attacks by the other aircraft prevented the trawlers rescuing anyone. Only the body of Fw. Schultz was recovered when he was found floating in Kenmare Bay. He was buried locally but was later moved to Glencree Cemetery, Wicklow.
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 8; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Quinn p.156; MacCarron p.88 photo (one name) & 143; IMA #G8, ]
March 3, 1941 Heinkel He111H-5 3664 1G+HL Luftwaffe 3/I/KG.27 Wexford Rostoonstown Beach, Tacumshin 1 4 "Lt. Alfred HEINZL
Fw. Arthur VOIGT
Fw. Rudolf HENGST
Gefr. Max GALLER
Uffz. Gerd RISTER +"
The aircraft was damaged by return fire from vessel MV Port Townsville. Uffz. Rister was killed by fire from the ship. Remaining crew were forced to put down on the beach and then destroyed the aircraft. The four survivors were interned for the remainder of the war.;
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 9; Cummins Ch. 5/35; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G9; Dwyer p.52; MacCarron p.83 & 143; Rister buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)]
March 3, 1941 Focke-Wulf Fw200 Unknown Unknown Luftwaffe KG40 ? Kerry near Dingle - - -
This loss is mentioned only in Quinns, Down in a Free State p.157 but no other sources so far corelate with this. Believed to be based on older research. WRGI Website; AIX and Feldgrau had no idea
March 5, 1941 Heinkel He111H-5 3734 1G+EK Luftwaffe 2/KG.27 Kerry In sea off Stonehead, off the Skellig Rock 4 0 "Lt. Heinz BRODSKI +
Obfw. Toni BÖHNER +
Fw. Willi KORELL +
Fw. Friederich ALTER +"
Shot down by Sunderland P9604 of 10 Squadron, RAAF. Toni Böhner was the only airman whose remains were recovered from this incident and he is buried in Glencree Cemetery. An Irish Army report exists for this date.
[Refs: See Cummins/Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 10; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G10; Quinn p. 157; MacCarron p.86 & 143, RAuxAF is incorrect, should read RAAF]
March 12, 1941 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V P5045 YG-O RAF 502 Sqn., Aldergrove, Co. Antrim Galway Galway Bay 3 2 "P/O Edward Dudley DEAR 82695 +
P/O William Hotchkiss EDWARDS 81033 +
P/O David Arnold Eric MIDGLEY 60328 (Int)
Sgt Stanley Donald Sutherland GOODLET 973901 +
Sgt Robert George HARKELL 749495 (Int)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: AIR 81/5416; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.104, dated March 11th ?, D'Arcy p.254, seems to date it March 19th; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names & s/n; gives March 12 as dates of deaths; All following state March 13th - (Check MA Files); IMA #B11; MacCarron p.50; Dwyer p.53; Robertson p.143, Harkell 177195 found in LG commissioned 1944; Midgley retired 1961]
March 13, 1941 Bristol Type 142M Blenheim I(F) K7068 none RAF 5 BGS, Jurby, Isle of Man Louth Bellcotton (Termonfeckin) 0 1 Sgt David SUTHERLAND 51946 (Int)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA File G2/X/691 and ACF-S-74; IMA #B22; Dwyer p.83, Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names; MacCarron p.144 described as Mk. I; Robertson p.183; ABS AA-AZ agrees with 407 Sqn only; Photo MacCarron p.56, AM Form 1180]
March 14, 1941 Bristol Type 142M Blenheim I L6720 B or P ?? RAF 5 FPP, SFPP Dublin Clontarf 0 1 Sgt Stanislaw KARNIEWSKI 793306 (Int)
This aircraft made an emergency belly landing on the strand at Clontarf between 21:00 and 22:00. Aircraft had been flying on a practice flight from Kemble, Gloster, when on the return journey the pilot got caught in bad weather and then ran low of fuel. The landing took place on the sands while tide was out. The pilot was a Polish pilot who was interned in the Curragh until October 1943.
[Refs: AIR 81/5442; Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; TOCH Forum jun 2008; Keefer GinI p.242 for serial, incorrect; IMA #B12, Says Date 14/03/1941; Dwyer p.54; MacCarron p.55; Robertson p.110; ABS agrees; Photo MacCarron p.54]
March 21, 1941 Consolidated Catalina II (Model 28-5ME) AM265 BN-A RAF 240 Sqn., Lough Erne Leitrim (Aunagh Hill) Glengade, Kinlough 8 0 "F/O Albert Edmund WHITWORTH 33555 +
F/O Charles Peers DAVIDSON J/3113 RCAF +
P/O Harold Lewis SEWARD 84330 +
Sgt Frederick Rodney Albert CHALK 534048 +
Sgt Henry DUNBAR 570770 +
AC1 Ronald Henry OLDFIELD 940612 +
Sgt Gordon Henry SLACK 754693 +
Sgt Harry Harley NEWBURY 624214 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: AIR 81/5513; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.107; checked; IMA #B14;Quinn p.12; Forum; MacCarron p.23; Robertson p.183; type suggestion; ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss/unit, HOHGv2, p226]
April 1, 1941 Heinkel He111H-5 3635 1G+LH Luftwaffe 1/I/KG27 Waterford Bonmahon, Ballyristeen 0 5 "Lt. Heinz GRAU
Ofw. Ernst LORRA
Uffz. Ernst GENZLE
Uffz. Otto JAEGER "
This aircraft was part of a flight of three aircraft from the unit which attacked a convoy of ships off the Welsh coast. Anti Aircraft fire damaged the aircraft and wounded the navigator, Lt Grau. The aircraft were found then by Hurricanes of 316 (Polish) Squadron who targeted this aircraft and caused her such damage that her captain opted to make for Ireland. The crew were interned for the duration of the war but Lt Grau was repatriated via Sweden during 1943 due to his injuries.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 11; Cummins Ch. 5/p.45, Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Kearns, Aeroplane Monthly June 1988; IMA #G11; Dwyer p.54; MacCarron p.65 & 144; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, Oct 2002]
April 8, 1941 Heinkel He111H-3 ERROR ERROR Luftwaffe ERROR Cork In sea off coast. - - -
I believe this to be an error. A mix up of the April 18th incident with Fw200 F8+GL. MacCarron p.144 only of Cork mix up with V4+DK and F8+GL; Not in Wings over Ireland; WRGI site gives 6 crew make ashore and interned. Quinn p.157 gives all lost in the Irish Sea ?. These sources claim it to be He111, s/n 3175, V4+GL of III/KG40. PJ Cummins does not identify this aircraft.
April 10, 1941 Saro A.36 Lerwick I L7267 L RAF 209 Sqn., Lough Erne, Co. .Fermanagh Donegal Bundoran 18-36 0 9 "Sgt Dennis Alfred BRIGGS 580000
P/O Howard 'Eddie' William Frank EDWARDS 85643
"Forced landed at 14:00 due to lack of fuel following a convoy escort. All but one crew man were taken to Finner Camp. Aircraft in the area for about 5 hours. Refueled by fuel from RAF trucks which delivered 16 5 gallon tins to Beleek at 17.45 and left at 18:45. Sgt D A Briggs log book is held in RAF Hendon but he does not identify the other 7 crew men. The 209 Sauadron ORB reads: Airborne at 0445 hours to escort Force LR. Met Force LR at 0644 hours, remaining until 1205 hours when aircraft was relived by H/209. Force landed at 1350 (?) hours off Bundoran Bay. Flew Bundoran to Lough Erne at 1825 that evening.
[Refs: MA File G2/X/0722; B. McCusker CA and Fermanagh in WWII describes incident, p. 35; Hannigan PCD,;Briggs Log book - RAF Hendon; Mail M. Gleeson Feb. 07; IMA #B15; Quinn p.116; MacCarron p.35, 38 and 144, the Lerwick was not operated by 201 Sqn at this time, 209 being the unfortunate operator; Dwyer p.51 & 55- crew of 9; Robertson p.111; ABS gives 209 Sqn - 4 OTU - 422 Sqn.]"
April 10, 1941 Supermarine Stranraer I K7295 BN-L RAF 240 Sqn., Killadeas, Co. Fermanagh Donegal Bundoran 18-36 0 - TBD
Serial number given in 240 Squadron ORB, which states: Stranraer aircraft, K.7295 handed over to No. 4 (C) O.T.U., collected by P/O Easton. Last sortie in Stranraer to ferry petrol to Lerwick of No.209 Squadron off coast of Eire. Stranraer arrived in time to see crew taken into custody . Irish Army report however does not seem to mention this aircraft arriving or fuel being supplied from it, see Lerwick L7267 entry above, report states fuel came from trucks via Beleek. Aeroplane April 2001 states this was 240 Sqn's last sortie with the aircraft type and mentions fuel also. It also states that aircraft was assigned to 10 OTU on this date. Code from this Aeroplane article, April 2001.
[Refs:IMA #B15 along with Lerwick; Mention MacCarron p.144, Irish Times 1983 ]
April 11, 1941 Vickers Wellington VIII W5653 DF-Q RAF 221 Sqn., Limavady, Co. Derry Donegal Near Fort Dunree in the Urris Hills, Inishowen Penn 23-45 6 0 "F/O Alfred Patrick CATTLEY 40888 +
P/O James Leonard MONTAGUE 81359 +
Sgt John William Hobson BATEMAN 959540 +
Sgt Francis Kenneth Basil WHALLEY 977309 +
Sgt Frederick George NEILL 976110 +
Sgt Brinley Francis BADMAN 976192 +
Crashed at approx. 15:00 hrs on the Friday 11 April returning from patrol. Lenan Fort sent a search party who found the aircraft and went back to the fort for 19:00. Aircraft had broken in two in the crash. Due to weather conditions no guard was posted that night. Early next morning Irish Army team went to the site with British officers in civilian clothes. The bodies were removed down the mountain that day. They were kept at Fort Dunree until April 12, when they were handed over the border with full military honours.
[Refs:McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.111; checked; Tim Cattley, Captain's cousin, e-mail Mar. 2006 and his family history website; Derry Journal Article (; RAFM Form 78 and 1180 via M Gleeson; IMA #B16; Quinn p.37-55 & 116; photo p.15; MacCarron p.35 & 144 & 47 suggests its DF-D ? - However T. Cattley confirms it was not D; Robertson p.164; HOHGv2 p229]
April 18, 1941 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-3 53 F8+GL Luftwaffe I/KG.40 Cork Off Long Island, near Schull. 0 6 "Oblt. Ernst MULLER
Fw. Karl MACHT
Fw. George SIGL
Obgefr. Alfred JACKAL
Reg. Rat. Walter HABICH"
Damaged by anti aircraft fire from Convoy HG58 and forced to make landing near Long Island, Cork; IMA #G12,
[Refs:See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 12;Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Dwyer p.56; MacCarron p.69 & 144 two dates given.]
April 18, 1941 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden I AD730 VN-J RAF 50 Sqn., Waddington Wicklow Kylebeg 7M SE, Blessington 4 0 "P/O John Kenneth HILL 83253 +
Sgt John Thompson LAMB 754628 +
Sgt Frederick Henry ERDWIN 553897 +
Sgt Stanley WRIGHT 751744 +"

The pilots brother created a website some years back, Colin Hill's Detailed Site which I copied onto this site following his passing away and when the old site went offline. Some up to date photos of the AD730 memorial taken by myself are presented at Hampden AD730 Memorial photos.

[Refs:Website's above, D'Arcy p.253; CWGC site, All four crewmen are buried in Blessington, Wicklow, IMA #B17; Bob's Bomber Command site; MacCarron p.61; Robertson p.179; Memorial erected April 1991; ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss/unit; HOHGv2 p230; RAFM AM Form 78 via M Gleeson; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye (date unknown)]
April 24, 1941 Fairey Battle TT.I V1222 8 RAF 4 B&GS, West Fruegh, Waterford Crobally, Tramore, Waterford 0 1 F/Lt Kazimiers BARONOWSKI P-0557 (Int)
Capt. Baronowski took off from West Freugh near Stranraer on a practice flight. He ran short of fuel and was forced to put the aircraft down in a field belonging to Mr. Halley in Corbally, Tramore at 17:30. The aircraft had been observed some 45 minutes prior in the area. The pilot was conveyed to Kildare and interned there until October 1943. Weather conditions were good. Aircraft was bought by the Irish government and assigned to the Irish Air Corps as serial No. 92.
[Refs: Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; Cummins 6/53; Keefer p242; TOCH Forum Jun 2008; RAFM AM Form 78 and 1180 via M Gleeson; IMA #B18; MacCarron p.44; Dwyer p.57; Robertson p.159; Flypast Feb 1987 gives 2nd April but Irish MA gives 24th; Photo MacCarron p.44]
April 30, 1941 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V Z6553 YG-E RAF 502 Sqn., Limavady, Co. Derry Leitrim Askill School, on the Ballyshannon to Garrison Road 0 5 "S/Ldr Brian George CORRY 90033
P/O Geoffrey Markham HOWARD-JONES 42229
Sgt Robert Gaskin EATON 946965
Sgt Brian Herbert BAILEY 581429 DIS
Sgt Reginald Clayton GRAHAM 653961 DIS
Crew baled out over NI, the pilot S/Ldr Corry evaded across the border after landing in Ireland. Irish army was at the time in contact with the British authorities and became aware that the crew had made their way to RUC stations in Northern Ireland. A large crowd of civilians was reported at the scene that morning. The pilots son is interviewed on BBC NI. The names of the crew are difficult to confirm from offcial records but the names listed here were confirmed by the Caterpiller Club archives but no other details were provided.
[Refs: S/Ldr Corry's Log Book as kindly advised by his son Roger, Nov. 2006 give crew names as Eaton, Bailey and Graham; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.118 Give's Easton, Banner and Graham; Easton may be an error here and names match with three crew from a crash in Feb. 1941; M Gleeson advised contents of the Irish G2 file and 502 Sqn. ORB which also allude to Banner being part of crew but the official records are in error. Clayton was missing, killed in action Jul 1942. Bailey may be Brian Herbert Bailey, killed on active service in 1943 in a flying accident in England. Name confirmed from Irvine Parachute Company Caterpillar Club records. S; Quinn Wings Over the Foyle gives further details of some names on page 108 and 116; Eaton and Banner found in LG; IMA #B19; MacCarron p.50; Dwyer p.57; Robertson p.176; Gordon Banner 810080]
May 3, 1941 Heinkel He111 ERROR ERROR Luftwaffe ERROR Wexford off - - -
This aircraft is mentioned only in D MacCarron;s book Wings over Ireland p.76, and is an error. Cummins does not ID this aircraft. No bodies recovered or this date.
May 6, 1941 Heinkel He111H-5 4063 V4+DK Luftwaffe 3/KG.40 Wexford In sea nr Blackwater Lightship. 2 2 "Oblt. Walther HOLLBORN 53544/8
Uffz. Josef EMMERICH 53549/109
Fw. Walter FRANKE 53543/26 +
Ofw. Erwin SEYFRIED 53544/39 +
This aircraft was hit by anti aircraft fire from a convoy they were attacking. The aircraft crashed in the sea with only two survivors. The survivors were interned, while only the remains of Ofw Seyfried were recovered from the sea, being washed ashore afterwards.
[Refs:See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 13; Cummins Ch.7/p.57; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Only Seyfried buried in Glencree ;IMA #G13; Dwyer p.57; MacCarron p.87 & 144, V4 is III Gruppe code, ex KG1]
May 22, 1941 Bristol Type 156 Beaufighter IC T3235 PN-H RAF 252 Sqn. Dublin Ballyogan, Carrickmines adjacent to Leopardstown Racecourse 0 3 "F/O Hugh Beresford VERITY 72507 (Int)(Esc)
Sgt William BARNETT 973926 (Int)
F/O John Basil HOLGATE 33426 (Int) (Esc)
Link Image

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs:MA File G2/X/744 and ACF-S-86, salvage effort not clear how long it took; McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.123, gives BT codes however; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names & serial; MacCarron p21 & 144 shows photo with H-()N Right side of aircraft; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, Sep 2007; IMA #B20, Quinn p.18; Dwyer p.58; Robertson p.156; Photo MacCarron p.22; W Barnett awarded OBE In 1944 per LG 37054, Holgate 33426 DFC 1943 w/143 Sqn, 252 Sqn having provided cadre for 143 in July 41]
June 10, 1941 Heinkel He111H-2 5289 4T+IH Luftwaffe I/WS.51 Wexford Nethertown, Carnsore, Churchtown 5 0 "Ofw. Rudolf PESCHMANN +
Obgefr. Hubert MODRZEJEWSKI +
Uffz. Josef NIEBAUER +
Reg. Rat. Dr. Herbert RUMPF +"
This aircraft was damaged in an engagement with RAF Hurricane Z2832, which itself had to crash land in Ireland, see separate entry. The German aircraft, while seeming to attempt to ditch at sea or crash land instead struck the shore and was destroyed.
[Refs: Kevin Sills report See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 14; Cummins Ch.8/p.65;Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G14; Dwyer p.60; MacCarron p.39 & 144; Photo MacCarron p.40; All buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)] (no photos two)
June 10, 1941 Hawker Hurricane IIA Z2832 GZ-M "McConnell's Squadron 17" RAF 32 Sqn Waterford Kilmacthomas 0 1 Lt. Roger Emile MOTTE FF30.656 (Alias Lt. Maurice REMY) (Int)
Roger MotteLt Motte shot down the Luftwaffe Heinkel He111 4T+IH listed above. Having searched for the damaged bomber after breaking off contact he ran low on fuel and finding himself over Ireland rather than Wales elected to make a forced landing. The aircraft was not badly damaged and was bought by the Irish Government and became aircraft No. 94 in the Irish Air Corps. It was later returned to the RAF when a batch of Hurricane fighters was delivered in 1943.; Lt Roger Emile Motte was a Free French pilot, flying with the cover name Maurice Remy to protect his family at home in France. He was released in October 1943 from internment and returned to combat with the Free French units in the RAF. His biography is presented in French on the Ordre de la Liberation website
[Refs: Cummins Ch.8/p.65; T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Feb. 1984 - A Trio Of Hurricanes - The first of the Few; IMA #B21; MacCarron p.39-42, mixes this up with P5178, photo caption wrong; Dwyer p.60 & 74; Robertson p.175; Photo MacCarron p.39]
July 21, 1941 Lockheed Hudson V(LR) AM864 (c/n 414-2946) Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Sligo Tragh bui, Balyconnell, South of Roskeragh LOP 0 3 "Murray Benjamin DILLEY (Civ) DIS
P/O Ian Prior BISHOP 45492
Daniel Peter MARVIN (Civ)"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: IMA #B22; Dwyer p.83, MacCarron p.144 described as Mk. I and I took serial number from here.; Robertson p.183; ABS AA-AZ agrees with 407 Sqn only]
August 21, 1941 Hawker Hurricane IIB Z5070 None RAF Unassigned, Pilot from 59 O.T.U. Meath Tullachanogue, Athboy 0 1 Sgt Roswell Frank TEES R/66043 RCAF (Int)
RAF Loss card stated aircraft flying from Hullavington, close to Bristol, to Abbotsinch near Glasgow when it became lost.  Running low on fuel the pilot chose to make an emergency landing and found himself in Meath, Ireland. The aircraft was recovered and bought by the Irish government. It became No. 95 with the Irish Air Corps. Sgt Tees was interned and was released from internment in October 1943. The aircraft was returned to the RAF in 1943 when new Hurricanes were delivered. 
[Refs: RCAF 75th Casualty List, His daughter Peggy emailed in April 2007; T. Kearns, An Cosantoir, Feb. 1984 - A Trio Of Hurricanes - The first of the Few; M O'Reilly Irelands Eye, Jan 1995; Globe and Mail, Oct. 41; IMA #B23; MacCarron p.42; Dwyer p.83 Pilots Name and "Halvington"; Robertson p.175; Photo MacCarron p.41]
August 26, 1941 Junkers Ju-88 D-2 396 4U+HH Luftwaffe 1 (F)/123 Cork Ballady, Belgooley 0 4 "Lt. Rudolf LAUER 69004/214 (Int)
Lt. Ludwig STOCKBAUER TrGr. Z BV II/2 /226 (Int)
Gefr. Herbert SCHULZE 69004/218 (Int)
Gefr. Gerhard DRESCHEL 69004/220 (Int)"
Damaged by an attack by Hurricanes of RAF 615 Sqn, Pilot P/O R. Mouchette and Sgt R M Hamilton RAAF. The German crew destroyed their aircraft after crash landing the plane and were interned in the Curragh camp.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 15; Cummin's Information supplied Feb. 2008 & Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G15; A, Daltun information supplied Dec. 2007; UK National Archives AIR50 Combat reports for both RAF pilots; French Site, description of Mouchettes claim Dwyer p.83; MacCarron p.73 & 144; Mention on CultureNI site by Quinn]
August 27, 1941 Fairey Fulmar II N4072 Unknown FAA 804 Sqn / CAM Ship Ariguani Donegal Tramore Strand, Clogher, Ardara 17-40 0 2 "S/Lt Maurice Andrew BIRRELL
Link Image

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[Refs: R. Sturtivant, FAA Aircraft 1939-45; Pilot and event mentioned in Ron Barkers 'Hurricats' book.; Admiralty publication from 1943, 'Fleet Air Arm' mentions the subsequent landing in N.I.; M. Gleeson for crew name info, 2007; MA File G2/X/0837 has no record of names but witnesses did record aircraft serial as 4072; IMA #B24; Quinn p.116; MacCarron p.35 & 58; Dwyer p.84; Robertson p.139, H Houtermann info, Jul 07]"
September 27, 1941 Lockheed Hudson III AE577 Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Louth Aghameen, Jenkinstown 3 0 "F/Lt Louis Romeo DUBUC C/1520 RCAF +
Sgt Frederick James GOODWIN 1162826 +
Samuel Raymond KENNY + (Civ)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Canadian VAC site listing; IMA #B25; MacCarron p.31, & 144 - Dubue surname incorrect; Dwyer p.84; website and Ontario Dead Website.; Robertson p.180;ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss/unit ; Quinn p.188; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, July 2000]
October 2, 1941 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden I AD768 ZM-? RAF 106 Sqn Donegal Brallanmore, Glendowen Mts 19-42 0 4 "Sgt Herbert John NEWBY 968590 (Int)
Sgt Frederick 'Fred' William TISDALL R/64726 RCAF (Int)
Sgt David REID 644074 (Int)
Sgt James WAKELIN 1158678 (Int)"
Crash after crew bale out, returning from raid on Karlsruhe
[Refs: D. Earl HoHGv1, p200; Info from J O'Donnell; Keefer GinI p.171 & 242 for Full names & serials; IMA #B26 ; Quinn p.27 & 116; Bob's bomber Command Site; MacCarron p.35; Dwyer p.84-85; Robertson p.179; ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss/unit; Newby 201869 commissioned 1945]
October 11, 1941 Heinkel He111H-6 4175 F8+ER Luftwaffe 7/III/KG.40 Wexford Blackstairs Mountain, Kiltealy 4 0 "Lt. Kurt TIGGEMANN + 53551/63
Fw. Wilhelm BÖHMER + 53551/64
Gefr. Ehrfried KOLWE + 53551/65
Obgefr. Hans SZUFLITA + 53551/66"
Aircraft crashed in mountains.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 16; Cummins Ch.7/p.57 ;Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G16, ;M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, July 1998; MacCarron p.144 only, noted as shot down but nothing to suggest this; All buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)] (No photos)
October 23, 1941 Bristol Type 149 Blenheim IV(F) V5728 ND-J RAF 236 Sqn, Carew Cheriton Cork nr Calf Island, Schull (Long Is ?) 1 2 "Sgt Paul Osbourne WEBSTER R/58435 RCAF (Int)(Esc) DIS
Sgt Charles Stewart BRADY R/69652 RCAF (Int)
Sgt Douglas Albert WOODMAN R/60047 RCAF +"
Crew pictured Left to Right: Woodman (Nav); Brady (Wop/AG), Webster (pilot). This aircraft suffered an engine failure while returning from a convoy escort mission. Sgt Webster ditched in sea sucessfully but Sgt Woodman was severely injured after being thrown from the aircraft. Brady and Webster brought him to the life raft and they were picked up by a passing fisherman J Lawlor some hours later. Sgt Woodman died the next day in Hospital. He is buried in Mallow, Cork. Sgt Webster escaped from internment in April 1942 and returned to his former unit, 236 Squadron where he converted to the Beaufighter aircraft. He failed to return from a recon mission on July 24, 1942. He was lost along with his navigator/gunner Sgt G R Lewis of the RAF when their Beaufighter X8088 went missing. Brady was released in October 1943 and went on to win a DFC award for his service with 434 (RCAF) Squadron in Bomber Command. He passed away in 2000. He visited visited Ireland before his death to visit the grave of Sgt Woodman. He is credited with supplying the photo of his crew in the book, Flight Into Yesterday.
[Refs: McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.158; D'Arcy p.264; CWGC Site, Woodman buried in Mallow, Cork; Notices in RCAF Casualty list 0ct. 29 and 31/41, IMA #B27; Dwyer p.85 survivors names clearer; MacCarron p.55; Robertson p.160; G O'Regan message 2004, Keefer p.138]
October 25, 1941 Vickers Wellington IC T2506 PM-C ? RAF 103 Sqn Clare Kilmihill, Quilty 0 6 "P/O Ralph 'Bob' Gardner KEEFER J/4876 RCAF (Int)(Esc)
Sgt Leslie George DIAPER 1375190 (Int)
P/O John 'Jack' Philip CALDER J/4695 RCAF (Int)(Esc) DIS
Sgt Albert Colin DALTON 636611 (Int)(Esc) DIS
Sgt Maurice Bertram BROWN 987421 (Int)
Sgt Alexander VIRTUE 1378792 (Int) DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: A book named Grounded in Ireland is based around this crew, told by the P/O Keefers son; Dwyer p. 86; CWGC site; MacCarron p.45 ; IMA #B28; Robertson p.155 Mk. IC; Photo MacCarron p.46; Gleeson NMAJ 2006 and LG corrections to serial numbers and crew positions. Dalton was killed in action in Sep 1943 having escaped from internment in Aug 1942; Virtue died in Jun 1944 from natural causes after being released from internment in Mar 1943.; Calder was killed in action in Jul 1944 having survived a flying accident in England in Aug 1943 after escaping from internment in July 1943; Diaper 186126 commissioned 1944 LG]
November 30, 1941 Supermarine Spitfire IIa P8074 BD-? RAF 133 Sqn Donegal Moneydarragh, Gleneely, Inishowen Penn. 25-45 0 1 P/O Roland 'Bud' L WOLFE 102518 (Int)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Basic details on; IMA #B29 ; Quinn p.30 & 116; MacCarron p.35 & p.139 - wrong s/n for plane; Dwyer p.88; Robertson p.145; HOHGv2 p234]
December 3, 1941 Short S.25 Sunderland II W3988 ZM-P RAF 201 Sqn Clare Off Doonbeg, NR Carrowmore 9 2 "F/Lt James Grant FLEMING DFC 40380 (Int) DIS
P/O Wilfred Sefton EMMETT NZ401377 RNZAF +
Sgt Eric Willows JACKSON 999009 +
P/O Eric Gerald MARKER 101048 +
Sgt Sydney James EPPS 522263 +
Sgt Maurice Walter Gerald FOX 933498 +
Sgt James Cannell MASTERSON 911625 (Int)
LAC Frederick Walter LEA 904349 +
LAC Arthur DONCASTER 743595 +
LAC Andrew Patrick WALKER 972825 +
AC1 Albert Everall BENNETT 1081395 + "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: McNeill CCL Vol.1 p.166; D'Arcy p.255; Keefer GinI p.171 for full names of survivors; MacCarron p.18; Dwyer p. 89 - gives Dec. 16th & p.144 with wrong Fuselage code; IMA #B30; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.164; CWGC site, Epps, Fox, Lea, Bennett and Doncaster are buried in Ireland; Details Fleming on AF Assoc of Canada Website; E. Martyn Typo correction; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006]
December 16, 1941 Supermarine Spitfire IIa P8267 Unknown RAF 4 ADF Donegal Ardara, Sandfield, Magheramore Strand 17-40 0 1 Sgt Guy Duncan FOWLER R/58474 (RCAF) (Int)

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Irish Mililtary Archives Files; UK National Archives Escape Evasion file; FlyPast Feb 1987, IMA #B31 ; Basic details on; Quinn p.33 & 116, ; MacCarron p.35 & 38; Dwyer p.89; Robertson p.145; Found on Democracy at War]
December 21, 1941 Grumman G-36b Martlet III AM975 Unknown FAA 881 Sqn, HMS Illustrious Donegal Cloughfin, Carrigans 23-42 0 1 S/Lt Bruce Nathanial GIRDLESTONE RNZN (Int)
Martless Wilcat AM975

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: IMA #B32 ; Keefer GinI p.171 for Full names; Quinn p.34 & 116; MacCarron p.35 & 60; Dwyer p.90; Robertson p.183 gives Mk. II]
December 21, 1941 Vickers Wellington IC Z1145 Unknown RAF Air Transport Auxiliary, Ferry Flight Meath Gormanstown 0 1 Lee Leslie GARLOW (Civ) DIS

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA File G2/X/938; Irish NA File A.26; R. Paiod from Maidenhead helped with Garlow details. IMA #B33 ; Quinn p.35, gives name Les Carlow, This s/n a/c lost in Jan. 1942 with 419 Sqn, RCAF on bombing raid.; Dwyer p.92 giving name Leslie Garlow; Robertson p.174; assistance from folks on RAFCommands forum Dec06, thanks]
December 27, 1941 Junkers Ju-88 A-5 771 DE+DS Luftwaffe Wekusta 2 Kerry Caolboig; Mastergeehy, Waterville 0 4 "Oblt. Arthur KLANKE
Uffz. Bruno HALLMAN
Uffz. Werner KIPP
Uffz. Rudolf BECKMANN"
This aircraft was on a meteorological flight off the south coast of Ireland and crash-landed near Waterville, Co. Kerry, due to engine failure.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 17; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; MacCarron p. 94 & 145; Dwyer p.92; WRGI Website, Quinn p.157; IMA #G17]
January 28, 1942 Hawker Hurricane I V6573 29 RAF 59 O.T.U. / Crosby-on-Eden, Cumbria Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 1 Sgt Salvator Bassi WALCOTT R/79006

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Canadian National Archives name confirm from service record; Flypast Magazine articles about Walcott March and April 2008; IMA #B34, Dwyer p.108 - Given as 'Eagle' Squadron; Discussion Feb. 04 forum; MacCarron p.81 & 145; Name clarified on Democracy at War newspapers.]
February 6, 1942 Short S.25 Sunderland W3977 ZM-Q RAF 201 Sqn Donegal Estimated North off Rossan Point and Malin Bay, West Donegal 12 0 "F/Lt Francis Wilfred SMITH 41214 +
P/O John Percival BARTLETT 64304 +
F/O Rodney Wyben SMITH 402409 + RAAF
F/O Henry KITCHIN 60778 +
F/Sgt Harold Stanislaus MASON 580829 +
F/Sgt Norman CLARE 644121 +
F/Sgt John Frederick Charles SMITH 526315 +
Sgt Arnold Alfred ROLFE 1255057 +
Sgt Hugh JONES 517519 +
Sgt Kenneth Charles NUTT 553975 +
Sgt Gordon Walter Eric JACOBSON 552466 +
AC1 Eric HOPKINSON 1120533 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: G2/X/0984 is the report related to this loss; Not in IMA list; Quinn p.60 & 116; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: CWGC site checked for all names and AWM Nominal Roll; 2004; MacCarron p.35; R W Smith Casualty file digitised on NAA. Kennedy, GNI, Pg 151-152 describes background to incident. Contacted family friends of K C Nutt in 2008.]
February 24, 1942 Lockheed Hudson V (LR) AM834 Unknown RAF 1 (C) OTU Wexford Off Cahore Point 4 0 "Sgt Alastair Ritchie Burrett RYLATT 928519 +
Sgt Alexander Sherlock BEARD 1378465 +
Sgt Alexander William MCGARVA 1365081 +
Sgt Jack ROSTERN 1068192 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: D'Arcy p.255; Cummins Ch. 18/p.127 described as I OCU, OCU's not found until postwar; CWGC site checked, Rostern and Beard are buried Arklow, I've taken McGarva from this source; ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss/unit; IMA #35 but type not i/d on list; MacCarron p.145 but type given as Mk.III; Robertson p.183 Mk. V (LR); Arklow Historical Soc. Journal 1992-1993, S. Fitzgerald]
March 3, 1942 Junkers Ju-88 D-1 or A-4 1429 CN+DU Luftwaffe Wekusta 2 Cork Schull, Gabriel Mtn. 4 0 "Lt. Walter THALHEIM +
Uffz. Heribert BILLA +
Fw. Eduard KREISS +
Inspektor Georg ENDRES +"
Aircraft crashed into high ground while on a meteorological flight. Newspapers for March 4 carried Irish government report of crash near Schull, Irish Times, The Times.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 18; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G18; MacCarron p.93 & 145; All buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)]
March 5, 1942 Lockheed Hudson ERROR ERROR RAF ERROR Mayo Into Blacksod Bay 0 0 ERROR
MacCarron p.145. mixes this date up with April 15 and the aircraft listed below off Donegal. The details he gives for 5th March match those for April 15th. There are no MA Files for this date -MacCarron gives this date and serial number FH263
March 6, 1942 Consolidated Catalina GR.IIA (Model 28-5MC Canso (PBY-5)) VA721, Temp V9721, (RCAF 9721) Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Donegal Near Malin Head 24-46 0 - P T MILLER

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Bill Walker's RCAF Aircraft lists this aircraft, ex RCAF Canso, being transferred to RAF. IMA #B36; Quinn p.116; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.290 Convair built?; lists this batch.]
March 13, 1942 Bristol Type 149 Blenheim IV Z6021 B6 RAF 5 BGS Mayo Killeen, Crossmolina 0 4 "P/O Donovan Hilton RAWCLIFFE 106079
Sgt Henry Samuel THOMAS 983327 (DIS)
Cpl Robert HAYNES 1004181
LAC Joseph DUNLOP 1374048"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/0985 & ACF-S-118 Haynes is recorded as Haines in report; IMA #B37; MacCarron p.53; Robertson p.176 Mk. IV; Photo MacCarron p.53; Haynes and Dunlop found in LG 1945 Comm'd]
March 16, 1942 Consolidated 32 Liberator II (LB-30) AL577 N RAF OADU / 108 Sqn Crew Louth Slieve na Glough, Jenkinstown 15 4 "W/Cmdr Richard John WELLS DFC 39918 +
P/O John Peile TOLSON 67640 +
Sgt Paul Herrick MOREY 917067 +
Sgt Henry James GIBBONS 948393 +
Sgt Charles Joseph INGRAM 916998 +
F/Lt Francis Charles BARRETT DFC 77959 +
F/O James Robert ANDERSON DFC 79508
Sgt Cyril Rowland AMOS 1182180 DIS
F/Sgt Lindsay Ross WILLIAMS 402429 + RAAF
P/O Wilfred Bertrand STEPHENS 113267 +
Sgt Thomas Edward PATTISON 644625
Sgt Sydney Frederick HAYDEN 910905
Sgt Andrew McMillan Smith BROWNLIE 546659 +
Sgt Walter Paul BROOKS 931402 +
F/Sgt George BUCHANAN 1060536 +
F/Sgt Carlton Stokes GOODENOUGH R/62738 + RCAF
F/Sgt Leslie George JORDAN 905148 +
P/O George Frederick KING J/15525 RCAF +
F/Sgt Herbert William Thornley SLOMAN 402677 + RAAF

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: J Andersons son Jim emailed me March 2006. A quick review of MA File G2/X/986; Articles by Cummins, Irish Air Ltr date Unkn; Flypast Date Unknown: Irish NA File A.26; M. O'Reilly Article RAF B-24 Liberator in Cooley Mountains, April 2002, Irelands Eye; L R Williams files on Australian NAA; Amos names found on LG; All dead names checked on and AWM Nominal Roll; IMA #B38, MacCarron p.56 s/n wrong; Robertson p.182; Quinn p.177-188; Joe Baugher site mentions a/c; ABS AA-AZ agrees with loss, give OADU as unit, The Sqn. Was trying to equip with Liberators at this time. Interview with Joe Whoriskey of the Irish Army on G Byrne Show, RTE, 2003. Most reports call Pattison, Paterson but he is Pattison in the Australian reports; Hayden service file available on AusNA; Dundalk Democrat Article March 2006.]
March 21, 1942 Heinkel He111H-6 4375 F8+ET Luftwaffe 9/KG.40 Kerry Approx. 31 miles SW Bull Rock 0 4 "Fw. Ludwig POPP
Uffz. Heinz KAPP
Uffz Adolf OELKERS
Gefr. Rudolf IPPISCH"
Shot down by RAF Blenheim, crew ditched the aircraft and having landed on BUll Rock Lighthouse, they were recovered to the mainland by the Irish Lights vessel, Nabro. The crew were interned.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 19; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; Tony Kearns, Article Irish Aviator, 'Blenheim V Heinkell III'; Date Unk.; MacCarron p.87 & 145; Quinn p.159]
April 15, 1942 Lockheed Hudson IIIA (A-29-LO) FH263 (41-37064) Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Mayo Elly Bay, Binghamstown, Blacksod 0 3 "Sgt George Marshall MORRISH R/85394 RCAF
Sgt Eric Outram LODGE 1288028
Sgt Clifford Burns KILLIPS R/76953 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/0999 & ACF-S-122; H. Haliday kindly gave correct RCAF crew names, RAFCommands Mar07; Sgt Lodge name determined from electoral registers at address he gave. IMA #B39, MacCarron p.145 Says for this date aircraft into sea and crew rescued? Not per Army G2 file, he has this aircraft noted for 5 Mar 1942; FlyPast Feb 1987 mentions this aircraft as FH263; ABS says that FH263 served with 251 Sqn, which only formed in 1944 from 1407 Flight.]
April 19, 1942 Bristol Type 149 Blenheim IV N3533 Unknown RAF 143 Sqn Donegal Glebe, Linsfort, Fort Dunree, Inishowen Penn. 23-44 0 4 "Sgt Francis Donald BERTRAND R/54310 RCAF
Sgt Renard Landall SMITH 948734
Sgt Clarence MORTON 1050941
Sgt Frank Roy NEWBOLD 1160094"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1004 & ACF-S-123; Smith named as Ronald in Irish report but found on LG; C. Morton Son Richard confirmed his fathers details in 2007, log book pages, etc. RAF Museum Crash card gives pilot name; Canadian NA confirm name; Contact made with F R Newbold in 2011. Flypast Jan 1987 gives some details.; MA #B40; Quinn p.57 & 116; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.137; ABS agrees, hit fence in bad weather; Morton serial number is recorded in error as it does not match in LG. Newbold name confirmed in AIR78 files
April 20, 1942 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley V Z9388 W RAF 58 Sqn. / St. Eval, Cornwall Cork Off Fastnet Rock 6 0 "Sgt Kenmir Loudon MCADAM NZ41485 + RNZAF
F/Sgt Dudley NEWLOVE R/71577 + RCAF
Sgt Archer Thomas George GOUGH 1375829 +
Sgt Reginald John HARWOOD 952271 +
Sgt James MCCLELLAND 903057 +
Sgt Patrick Joseph LEAHY 903435 + "
Link Image

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[Refs: D'Arcy p.265; RAF Com forum Apr05 discussion.; G O'Regan message 2004; CWGC Site checked for all; St. Eval Memorial Fund website]
April 24, 1942 Curtiss Tomahawk IIA AH920 VM-A 'Bogey I' RAF 231 Sqn Wicklow Lecarrow 0 1 "F/O Donald Newton KENNEDY 43959 DIS
(F/Lt Micheal deLancey WILSON 43886)"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1005 & ACF-S-124; RAF Loss card does not list a pilot; T. Kearns article in Flying in Ireland Dec. 06; Kind folks on RAFCommands forum, epec SteveB, reviewed ORB for this incident in relation to Willson; AFTC Mgazine Feb. 04;, VM code, based Aldergrove ; IMA #B41 ;Dwyer p.110; Robertson p.181 suggests Mk.IIA; ABS AA-AZ confirms Mk IIA and service with 231 Sqn; MacCarron p.117; Quinn p.35;
May 4, 1942 Lockheed Hudson IIIA (A-29-LO) FH376 (41-37177) None RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Donegal Pollan Strand, Ballyliffen, Inishowen Penn. 23-45 0 3 "S/Ldr Lionel Rees COHEN 39497 DIS
P/O Alexander MORE 103522 DFC
Sgt Eric Jackson GREENHALGH R/103618 RCAF "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1008; A More's son Evan contact in Sep. 2006, E Martyn and Hugh Haliday confirm on RAFCommands forum Sep.06; IMA #B42; Quinn p.57 & 116; MacCarron p.35 & 145 gives S/N; Robertson p.218; ABS gives it with 200 Sqn until 09.43
May 23, 1942 Lockheed Hudson IIIA (A-29-LO) FH233 (41-37034) None RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Mayo off shore Carrownabinnia Point, near Easky - Western End, Sligo Bay 3 0 "F/Lt James CONSTABARIS C/1087 + RCAF
P/O Kenneth Busbridge DYER 123986 +
Sgt Donald Eugene ENGEMOEN R/103709 + RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA File G2/X/1013; Christie, p.313 Listed, CWGC site checked; Constabaris service record from LAC; J Baugher site gives date of May 23, 1942; MacCarron p.145 gives 25th;Not on IMA list, lost at sea.; Robertson p.218; MA Crash list for date; ABS lists this as missing on ferry flight, found Donegal 23.05.42; JO'Loughlan site gives one crew member.]
June 16, 1942 Lockheed Hudson VI (A28-LO-40) EW904 (42-6613) Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Donegal Hill Strand, Dunfanaghy 20-44 0 4 "Ernest Lloyd LEAKE (US Civ)
P/O Albert Sydney RYAN J/10618 RCAF
Sgt Karl Edward DZINKOWSKI R/101827 RCAF
P/O Peter COWIESON 123885"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2-X/1016, names of crew; IMA #B43; Quinn p.57; MacCarron p.35 & 145 gives US s/n; - gives RAF s/n as EW904; Robertson p.216]
June 27, 1942 Junkers Ju-88 D-5 430211 4T+MH Luftwaffe WS 51 Wexford 15 miles off Hookhead 4 0 "Ofw. Herbert RIEGER +
Ofw. Gustav GEBEL +
Uffz. Gottfried BOEHME +
Reg. Rat. Fritz NORDT +"
During a meteorological reconnaissance flight off the south coast of Ireland, this aircraft was intercepted south of Hook Head, Co. Wexford, and shot down by two Bristol Beaufighter IIf of No. 125 Sqdn.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 20; Cummins Ch.18/128, Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; MacCarron p.65 & 145; This crew all missing in action] (No photos)
July 4, 1942 North American Mitchell II (B-25C) FL214 (41-12721) None RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Roscommon Riversdale 0 4 "Paul Liefer LOWMAN (Civ)
Lief Kaare PAY (Civ)
F/Sgt Roderick James MACGREGOR R/105529 RCAF
Arthur Reginald MACWILLIAMS (Civ)"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA File G2/X/1028; Quinn p.160 details the story and his research and the 1992 Commemoration.;Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; Shipping records for MacGregor and MacWilliams from ancestry; IMA #B44; Robertson p.219; ABS has it going to 180 Sqn;
July 6, 1942 Douglas C-47-DL Skytrain 41-7764 39' on right of nose USAAF 12 TCS / 60 TCG Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 15 "1/Lt Bernard C SAUER O-427665
2/Lt Jack B GOUDY O-659116
2/Lt Manuel FLORES Jr O-443641 DIS
Sgt Robert A MIHELITCH 19047333
Cpl Donald D BERKHEIMER 06898524
2/Lt Thomas C DICK O-724148 (97 BG)
2/Lt Fredric Gans ALTMAN O-724108 (97 BG)
2/Lt Howard William BLANK O-724121 (97 BG)
2/Lt George L LUDOLPH O-443737 DIS (97 BG)
Cpl William J GRACE 33116985 (97 BG)
Pvt Charles A WALKER 39168923 POW (97 BG)
T/Sgt Rudy P LENSER 06994860 (97 BG)
2/Lt Wilfred L SMITH O-443717
Pvt B E WILLIAMS (36078750 ?)
Pvt Frederick C LYNCH 06101207"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1031 & ACF-S-133 names to be clarified as errors in them. Walker found POW on NARA AAD, Flores KIA with 316th TCG, Sept 1944, M Ingrisano book.; Lenser attributed to 97 BG by 1950's newspaper article, went on to be a pastor; MacCarron p..128 + pic & 145; Dwyer p.112; IMA #U1, Quinn p.102; NARA AAD and ABMC checked, Sauer and Goudy listed on 1943 Air Medal list 62nd TCG 1943; Blank, Dick and Altman wre part of same class, Kirtland 42-5; Crosshairs Mag, Dec.89 photo - Dave at Bombardier website assisted; M Gleeson NMAJ 2006, SSDI databases checked - WW2M 090314 – Altman only]
July 17, 1942 Bristol Beaufort II N1003 Unknown RAF 5 OTU Donegal Ballyness Strand, W. of Falcaragh 19-44 0 4 "F/Lt Frederick Broadley WEIR 42086
F/O Leonard Marcroft BENDREY 85025
Sgt Ernest William EVANS NZ411751 RNZAF DIS
Sgt James MACFEELEY 982440"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1034; RAFCommands Thread Jul 04, E. Martin & T. Kearns, Bendrey recorded as Benderly by Army it seems; Dwyer p.113, Claims crew were on combat mission but it was training mission.; message forum, correcting s/n & confirm type Mk.II and crew of 4 only; IMA #B45; Quinn p.56; MacCarron p.35 &145 gives wrong s/n N1063, which is not a Beaufort s/n; Robertson p.135 gives Mk. I type; ABS Agrees, Bendrey and Weir found on LG. Spelling of MacFeeley from UK NAA AIR78 files, also McFeely elsewhere]
July 25, 1942 Westland Lysander III T1552 Unknown RAF 1486 (Gunnery) Training Flight Donegal Ballyliffen, Inishowen Penn. 23-45 0 2 "F/Lt John Malcolm CRABB 84967 DIS
Sgt John William Frederick FRYER 1198788"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1038; JWF Fryer flight log RAF Museum Hendon; letter from J. Crabb's widow M Mills, Oct. 2006 confirmed his name; Flypast Feb 1987, Brief details; IMA #B46; Quinn p.57; MacCarron p.35, gives an incorrect serial number for a/c]
August 13, 1942 Consolidated Liberator IIIA (B-24D-CO) LV341 (41-1097) OH-Z RAF 120 Sqn Donegal Off Torey Island 18-45 4 4 "P/O Victor Dennis JAMES NZ40976 RNZAF +
Sgt Hector Vivian Francis ARCHER 1287321 DIS
F/Sgt Alfred Burton CRAIG R/50369 RCAF +
Sgt Seymour 'Bill' CLARE 652303 +
F/Sgt Kenneth Henry WATSON 749427 +
Sgt Peter Francis GEORGE 933499
Sgt William Charles GORDON 1023991
Sgt Frederick Norman HOLLIES 755429"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: P. Clare corr. Sept. 05, Son of crew member; Forum, various dates; CWGC site checked; Robertson p.254; Quinn p.78; MacCarron p.35 & 145, incorrectly states all dead; No Irish Military File on this; Names of Gordon and George confirmed from AIR78, George diffcult to read however. Gordon serial number corrcted from AIR78 files]
August 23, 1942 Junkers Ju-88 D-1 1688 4U+KH Luftwaffe 1 / Afkl (F) 123 Waterford Tourgare, Tramore 0 4 "Lt. Paul STÖRMER
Hptm. Gottfried BERNDT
Ofw. Karl HUND
Uffz. Josef REISER"
Aircraft was on a photo recon mission to the Belfast area when it was shot down by Spitfires from 315 and 504 Sqn.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 21; Cummins Ch.9/p.73; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G19; Dywer p141, 142; MacCarron p.77 & 145; TOCH forum, T. Kearns post Jan/05]
August 23, 1942 Supermarine Spitfire Vb BL959 PK-T RAF 315 (Polish) Sqn Meath Rathoath 1 0 F/O Bolesaw J SAWIAK P.0867 PolAF +
The pilot was injured while fighting with Ju-88 and sustained further injuries in crash. He sucumbed to his injuries enroute to hospital after the incident. A memorial was raised in Ratoath in 2017 to the pilot. Mentioned on Air Crew Remembered Website.
[Refs: Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; IMA #B47; Robertson p.196; ABS AA-AZ Confirms loss and unit; Basic details on; MacCarron p.77 & 145, Brief discussion on irishairpics forum, I had squadron codes wrong until 11/05; Sawiak, Bol. Jozef, por.pil., 23.8.42, Formby, W. Bryt., Our Lady of Compassion Cem; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, Oct 1992]
September 12, 1942 Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress 41-24516 Meltin' Pot USAAF 368 BS/ 306 BG Donegal Into Lough Foyle, Near Magilligan Point 25-43 0 11 "Capt. William C MELTON O-404170
1/Lt Charles L GRIMES O-660486 DIS
1/Lt Robert T LEVY O-440538 DIS
2/Lt Alexander KRAMARINKO O-661851 POW
T/Sgt William E CHERRY 16019073 DIS
S/Sgt Mahlon E SNOVER 39164266 DIS
S/Sgt Leland J KESSLER 15074078 POW
S/Sgt Ernest P GARLAND 06278073 DIS
S/Sgt Gilbert G SHOEMAKER 06698717 DIS
2/Lt Jesse L MILBURN O-909116 (Passenger)
Pvt Francis J BOWES 11020607 (Passenger)"
This crash was offshore and was noted by Irish authorities only, no direct involvement. Deemed to be outside territorial waters. Crew seen to rescued by armed trawler. The Irish authorities understood the aircraft was a Wellington. The ORB of 7 O.T.U. records this as : Aircraft B.17.F No 1245160 (Captain W C Milton) with nine crew and two passengers, made a forced landing in the sea of Magilligan Point after a Transatlantic flight, and sank at about 12:00 hours. Two anti-submarine trawlers rescused the crew. The Captain fo the aircraft was interogated by S/Ldr. Grenna (Engineer Officer) and a signal was sent regarding suspected sabotage. The crew were uninjured and were taken by air in a Douglas D.C.3 to Prestwick. This loss was recorded as a loss of a Wellington from 7 O.T.U. in some sources, and had been listed as such in this source until 2013. The ORB for the training unit however lists no such loss. Two of the crew became prisoners within months while another six were killed in action. 1/Lt Grimes was killed by shell fragments while on a mission to La Pallice, France on November 18, 1942. 1/Lt Levy was killed in action on 3 Jan 1943 over France. Sgt Cherry, Snover, Garland and Shoemaker were lost on 4 March 1943 when B-17 42-5129 was shot down off the coast of Holland. Kramarinko was taken prisoner when his aircraft was shot down over Holland on 5 April 1943. Kessler also became a POW when his aircraft was lost on 21 May 1943. The story of the finding of the wreckage of 41-24516 and contacting some of her surviving crew members is told on the Inishowen Sub-Aqua Club website.
[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1054, IMA #B48; Quinn p.55; MacCarron p.35, USAAF Form 14 crash report and statements, ORB 7 C O.T.U.]
September 20, 1942 Supermarine Spitfire I R6992 Unknown RAF 1402 Met Flight Monaghan Figgular 0 1 F/Lt Gordon Hayter PROCTOR 60769 DIS

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[Refs: IMA #B49; Dave Williams, 2003; Basic details on; MacCarron p.146, gives unit as 140 Flight;]
September 26, 1942 Vickers Wellington IC R1021 Unknown RAF 7 O.T.U. / Limavady, N.I. Cork Charleville 0 4 "F/Lt Wilfred Joseph BROUGHTON 123948
Sgt Alfred John BOULTON 1312211
Sgt George Reginald UNITT 411412 RAAF
LAC Alexander Walker CHISHOLM 651383"

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1065 and ACF-S-139; Broughton assumed found on London Gazette but ranks don't compare to MA file; Unitt from AWM Nominal Roll; IMA #B50, Photo MacCarron p.48 ?; Robertson p.147; Chisholm name confirmed from family letter and AIR78 files, Boulton name confirmed by M Gleeson and AIR78 files]
August 27, 1942 Lockheed Ventura IIA AE917 Unknown (None) RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Sligo/Donegal Donegal bay 4 0 "P/O Charles de Cardonnel FINDLAY 122485 +
Sgt Rhys Maelgwyn ALEXANDER 1259050 +
P/O John McCubbin 123133 +
Sgt Francis Augustine WEAVER NZ412292 +"
This aircraft was lost on ferry flight out of Gander, location unknown. Crew had reported an engine out early in the morning, nothing further heard from them. The bodies of McCubbin and Weaver were washed up in Sligo and Donegal respectively McCubbin is buried in Easky, Sligo.
[Refs: Irish Deft. Foreign Affairs Archives database (Irish NA); M. Gleeson Information 2007, RAFCommands thread, Nov.03: T Kearns R Martyn and others; CWGC database; Christie, Ocean Bridge p.314.]
September 30, 1942 Lockheed Ventura IIA AJ460 Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Mayo 2m south Roonagh Point, Emlagh, Louisburgh 0 4 "P/O Richard Meyrick POWELL 123003
P/O Thomas Neville DONALDSON 124779
P/O Gilbert Frederick DRAKE 120968
Sgt Eric Lee DOYLE 412330 RAAF"

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1067 & ACF-S-140;LG Site checked for names and AWM Nominal Roll, IMA #B51, MacCarron p.16 & 147, photo on pages 16 is more likely R30 in 1945, see below. Second photo is the Ventura though, note door layout and no windows forward it. Unit '21 Ferry Control' ?; Robertson p.181; ABS AA-AZ doesn't mention incident as expected, a/c went on to serve in OTU's only.]
October 25, 1942 Douglas Boston IIIA BZ200 (42-32955) None RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Mayo Pulladoohy, Cloonooragh, Crossmolina 1 2 "K/M Nils Bjorn RASMUSSEN + RNAF
Sgt Peter Frank CRASKE 1387671
F/Sgt Frederick Micheal FULLER R/92107 RCAF"

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[Refs: MA File G2/X/1085; Fuller Service File Canadian Library and Archvies; D'Arcy p.271; Christie, p.315; R. Koval advised Christian names of Fuller Sept. 2006; LG Site checked for Craske; Serial No's website, check type; IMA #B52; Robertson p.200; MacCarron p.120 & 146; ABS AA-AZ confirms details, Corrected place names using OSI maps, to the North west of Crossmolina, Kilmurry is to the south of the town.]
October 29, 1942 Handley Page H.P.52 Hampden TB.I P1284 Unknown RAF 5 OTU Donegal Edenmore, Balleybofey 21-40 0 3 "Sgt Donald MONTGOMERY R/101199 RCAF DIS
P/O John Costello MCGHEE 121251
Sgt John Douglas SCOTT R/98256 DIS RCAF "

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1065 and ACF-S-139; Broughton assumed found on London Gazette but ranks don't compare to MA file; Unitt from AWM Nominal Roll; IMA #B50, Photo MacCarron p.48 ?; Robertson p.147; Chisholm name confirmed from family letter and AIR78 files, Boulton name confirmed by M Gleeson and AIR78 files]Made a forced landing but aircraft failed to stop and was destroyed running through hedges and a telegraph pole. Minor injuries to crew, not mentioned when they were handed across the border. Aircraft was salvaged by 10 of November by RAF Crew. Both Canadians were killed on 3 April 1943 in a 415 Sqn flying accident. KOAS
[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1088 & ACF-S-142 only three names recorded; RAF Museum F1180 crash card lists pilot; Scott and Montgomery service files received confirming from addresses they were onboard, no record of Irish crash received. Help from all the folks on AFD and RAFC forums!; IMA #B53; MacCarron p.35 & probably p.62, not clear however; Robertson p.140; P/O McGhee name confirmed using address and old BT phone books]
October 31, 1942 Supermarine Spitfire Vb BM533 EB-W RAF 41 Sqn., Llanbedr, Wales Wexford Wells, Oulart 0 1 Sgt Jan ZIMEK 780963 (Int)
Jan ZimekAircraft scrambled from its base at Llanbedr in Wales but got lost and developed engine trouble.  The pilot decided to force land the the aircraft but it overturned during the landing.  He was injured slightly and helped from the wreckage by locals.  After local treatment he was taken to the Curragh for further Hospital treatment.  Following an incident with German internees while on parole, he was brought to the border in July 1943 and released.
[Refs:Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; Cummins Ch. 10/p.85; Pilot mentioned on Steve Brew's Site 41 Squadron; Basic details on; Quinn p.36; IMA #B54; Dwyer p.114; Robertson p.196; ABS AA-AZ confirms loss and unit]
November 17, 1942 Consolidated 28 Catalina IB (PBY-5B) FP273 Unknown RAF 44 Group, Ferry Command Sligo Lough Gill 0 6 "Capt. George Alexander HERSAM Jr (Civ)
P/O Alistair Scott BUCHANAN 130950 RAF
Mr Thomas J HOWARD (US Civ)
Mr Phillip FUCHS (US Civ)
Sgt William Grant CANTLAY R/100829 RCAF DIS
Sgt Thomas Anthony BAXTER 633692"

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1098 and ACF-S-145 names of crew not recorded in great detail and hard to read;Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; Extract of W G Cantlay service record show either name given first - he being a navigator as recorded by Irish Army; Christie, p.359n70; McGowan; O'Loughlan 29/11/04 s/n correction; 11/01/05; MacCarron p.25 s/n incorrect SB273; IMA #B55; Robertson p.220; ABS gives it with 302 FTU, 209, then 259 Sqn's; Photo MacCarron p.25 ?]
November 19, 1942 Consolidated 28 Catalina IB (PBY-5B) FP202 Unknown RAF 302 Ferry Training Unit Clare River Fergus, taxi to Foynes 0 9 "F/Lt Cecil George MOORE 68796
F/O John Douglas HENDERSON 132077
F/Sgt Mark MEHR R/83970 RCAF
F/Sgt Norman Edward CARTER R/83378 RCAF
F/Sgt John Raymond WOODCOCK R/87023 RCAF
Sgt William Edward BITZ R/58577 RCAF
F/Sgt Alan BLACKWELL 1169378
F/Sgt Maurice HEWEN 1489484
Cpl Donald Vaughan SWEETING 568527

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1099 and ACF-S-146, names very difficult to read; RAF Comm forum Mar05 crew names clarified somewhat and type confirm; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; IMA #B56; MacCarron p.24; Robertson p.220; ABS agrees aircraft going to 212 Sqn.; Blackwell name confirmed from AIR78 files
November 26, 1942 Supermarine Spitfire Vb AD116 Twickenham I' RAF 501 Sqn. / Ballyhalbert, N.I. Donegal Ballybofey, Stranorlar 21-49 0 1 F/O Roy Stuart KINGSFORD 102557

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[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1101 & ACF-S-147; Pilots name recorded as Kingswood but RAF Museum F1180 card confirms name as Kingsford, checked then on London Gazette. ABS AA-AZ confirms Sqn and pres name, aircraft damaged beyond repair; Basic details on; IMA #B57 but given as Oulart Wexford, Not in Cummins book so IMA is incorrect; DWilliams 11/2001 Pilot Name; MacCarron p.35 & 146; Quinn p.118 list, few details; Robertson p.179 built as Mk. Vb]
December 5, 1942 Boeing B-17F-27-BO Fortress 41-24612 The Devil Himself USAAF 427BS/303BG Sligo Mullaghmore Beach 0 5 "1/Lt Ralph S. HAYES, Jr. O-430583
2/Lt Jack G. ROLFSON O-791053
2/Lt Frederick J. ILLGEN O-443073
S/Sgt Antonio BEDNARCHUK 11043689
S/Sgt Jesse J. JESSEE 19032392"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Refs: Irish NA File A.26; 303 Bomb Group Website lists the crew and their service with photos; MacCarron p.126 & 146; McGowan; sub type from Prod list site; IMA #U2; Not recognized as AAF accident, either site, O'Loughlan 11/01/05, Sligo Weekender 09/05/02; SSDI checked - WW2M – 090314 Jessee only present]
December 8, 1942 Miles M.16 Mentor L4411 Unknown USAAF 82nd Fighter Group, Communications Flight, Dublin Phoenix Park 0 1 2/Lt Verne M YAHNE O-495835
Verne M YahneUS Pilot Verne M Yahne, lost on training mission. Plane moved to Baldonnel and flown out on December 22nd by another Pilot.;
[Refs: Dwyer p.115; 82ndFG website gives name as S/Sgt Verne M. Yahne; MacCarron p.146, IMA #B58, as a British a/c; MA Files G2/X/1109 ACF-S-150 for Name and serial number; ABS gives l4411 as serving with following SF Ternhill, 8 EFTS, SF Woodley, TCCF, 82 Gp CF, SF Newtonards; SSDI databases searched, not found; WW2M – 090314 Not present]
December 17, 1942 Lockheed P-38G-5-LO Lightning 42-12814 Unknown USAAF 96FS/82FG Monaghan Corrintra, Castleblaney (3 Miles NE of Monaghan) 0 1 2/Lt Milo E RUNDALL O-724562 POW

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[Refs:USAAF Crash File 43/12/17/502; Fork-Tails over Ireland, M. Gleeson, Flypast Sep. 2000; confirms;; Rundall, Milo E., 2nd Lt. #0-724562.....POW 15/01/1943 in Tunisia, released 1945 in Germany; IMA #U3; SSDI checked, may have died 2006; WW2M – 090314 Not present]
December 23, 1942 Lockheed P-38F-15-LO Lightning 43-2098 63 USAAF 95FS/82FG Clare Rynn Point, Ballyvaughan 0 1 2/Lt Arthur L BRODHEAD, Jr O-469339
Arthur L
                BrodheadWheels up landing on beach following combat en route to Africa. Some small salvage but remainder destroyed by Army on 26th December.
[Refs: MA Files G2/X/1116 ACF-S-152; Fork-Tails over Ireland, M. Gleeson, Flypast Sep. 2000; 82nd FG Website for aircraft ID and pilot details: Brodhead, Jr., Arthur V., S.Sgt #13026649; December 23, 1942 - 2nd Lt. Arthur V. Brodhead, Jr - 1 - Ju88; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; IMA #U4;MacCarron p.115, Dwyer p.116 (2 different background stories; not accident so not on crash lists. VA Grave locator ?; SSDI checked, probably died 1964 - WW2M – 090314 Not present]
January 2, 1943 Vickers Wellington VIII HX467 Unknown RAF 7 O.T.U. / Limavady, N.I. Donegal Into Lough Foyle 25-43 6 0 "F/O Kenneth Raymond James PENNINGTON 122090 +
F/O Alexander Ernest TYLER 121353 +
Sgt James Daniel COOPER 1291784 +
Sgt Albert Douglas HAMMOND 1272893 +
Sgt John Charles William HOOK 1271836 +
Sgt Herbert SMITH 1294332 +
"Crashed due to bad weather conditions (snowstorm) Lough Foyle near Magilligan Point, no Irish involvement, no IMA file [H. Welting provided crew and cause details, cheers, RAF Deaths group, Yahoo, August 2006; M. Gleeson also confirmed names; CWGC checked; Quinn p.55 but pilot name should be Pennington; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.232 probable Mk. VIII]"
January 9, 1943 Lockheed P-38G-5-LO Lightning 42-12802 none USAAF None Donegal Moville, Inishowen Penn. 26-44 0 0 None
Was sighted being towed in the Foyle by a destroyer when it broke loose and later washed up on the shore. Plans were being made for dealing with the wreckage when the pontoon refloated on morning of 21 Jan. It was later towed into Derry next day. British officers reported it had come from a sunken ship at the beginning of December 1942. Aircraft was mounted on and large metal pontoon and wrapped against salt water; MacCarron p. 35 & 117; Quinn p.118; IMA #U5
January 15, 1943 Boeing B-17E Flying Fortress 41-9045 Stinky' USAAF 9th Air Force assigned, 92BG Crew Galway Agricultural College, Athenry 0 16 "Capt Thomas M HULINGS O-437980
2/Lt J. Kemp MCLAUGHLIN O-789398
2/Lt Clyde B. COLLINS O-789458
Sgt Lorin E BLANCHARD Jr. 16048807
Sgt Johnnie J TUCKER 14068147 POW
Sgt John W TIPPEN 14033646
Sgt Maurice L. HARRIS 15084594
T/Sgt Edward D. PARRISH
T/Sgt Laurence E. DENNIS 36048962 POW
Sgt Reginald Charles BOLLAND 625196 (RAF)(DIS)
Lt/Gen Jacob Loucks DEVERS O2599
Maj/Gen Edward Hale BROOKS O6657
Brig/Gen Gladeon Marcus BARNES O2970
Brig/Gen Williston Birkhimer PALMER O12246
Col William Thaddeus SEXTON O15777
Maj Earle Lynn HORMELL O22368"

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[J K McLaughlin's book, The Mighty Eighth in WWII, tells story and confirms crew with exception of R/O operator name; B. Cull and X on RAFCommands forum; R. C. Bolland I understand KIA in 1944 from CWGC, M. Gleeson assisted with search. US NARA AAD archive used. P Browne article in Flying In Ireland May 2006 'Four Star General'. 92nd BGA website and W. Reece information received.; SSDI databases searched; Irelands Own article Oct. 13/06, Martin Gormally 'The Flying Fortress', Following links found online, WVA, J. McLaughlin and book review; Irish NA File A.26; MacCarron p.111, Dwyer p.116; IMA #U6; AA Quigley, Green is my Sky tells the story but crew and aircraft names are in error. Probable a number of errors in this account; WW2M – 090314 Hullings, Tucker, Dennis, Devers Present]
February 5, 1943 Bell P-39L-1-BE Airacobra 42-4518 Unknown USAAF 346FS/350 FG Wexford Ballysop, Campile 0 1 2/Lt Charles M KIRSCHNER O-885369
Charles M
                Kirschner2/Lt. Kirschner took off as part of a five aircraft flight from Lands End, England on a 6 to 7 hour flight to Port Lyautey, French Morocco following a B-25 navigation plane. Out over the Bay of Biscay they ran into a severe line squall and the flight broke up while attempting to penetrate. Kirschner tried to return to England, while one other pilot bailed out over Portugal and another was shot down by a Luftwaffe heavy fighter. Kirschner ended up over Ireland while attempting to return to England. The aircraft was salvaged by the 12th of March, when it was handed over the border. P J Cummins describes this incident in his book in Chapter 11. Charles Kirschner had served in the Royal Air Force before transferring to the USAAF. He later served with the 356th Fighter Group in England and flew 52 missions. He remained in the Air Force after the war and served in Germany for a time. He was injured in a car accident in the 1950's and passed away in 1967, aged 52, a retired Air Force Major. His nephew Lance Shawver provided the attached photo which shows Charles probably from his high school days.
[MA File G2/X/1138 clearly shows Kirschner as pilot name and signature. NA File A.26 and Cummins Ch. 11/p.91 gives name as 2/Lt Kirschen but serial number in A.26 file; Thread on forum Nov05 returned CM Kirschner; MacCarron p. 120 & 146 (date given as 6/2/1943, codes and Squadron are typo also); IMA #U7, date is given 05.03.1943; Contacted pilots nephew in 2008.; WW2M – 090314 Present]
February 17, 1943 Vickers Wellington III Z1676 ZL-S RAF 427 (RCAF) Sqn Waterford Killbarry, (Ballybeg, Carrickong) 0 5 "Sgt John Edward HOLLOWAY 1266562 (Int)
Sgt David Eric Munroe ROSS 1064622 (Int)
Sgt Donald Hugh TAYLOR 657301 (Int)(Rel)
Sgt George Chalmers SLATER 1365352 (Int)
Sgt Frank THOMAS 1536438 (Int)(Rel)"
Link Image

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[Cummins Ch. 12/p.97; Keefer G in Ire, p242; Quinn p.28, 36; IMA #B59; MacCarron p.46; Dwyer p.117 & 176; Robertson p.174]
February 27, 1943 Vickers Wellington VIII HX737 Unknown RAF 7 O.T.U. / Limavady, N.I. Donegal Shruhanreach, Gortahork, (Meendaragh, Falcarragh) 19-44 6 0 "Sgt John Steen CAMPBELL 1081848 +
Sgt James GILMORE 1036700 +
Sgt Ronald William GUTTERIDGE 1333994 +
Sgt John D'Arcy WALL 1140108 +
Sgt Leonard Ashby COURT 1213640 +
Sgt Geoffrey James Scott FARTHING 1315164 +

Click on link button to read the story

[MA Files G2/X/1145 and ACF-S-158; Information kindly received from M. Gleeson 7 OTU ORB and the airforcedeaths yahoo group;Photo of Gilmore headstone from TWGP website; Quinn p.56; IMA #B60; MacCarron p.35 & 146; Message on msg forum.; Robertson p.232 possible Mk.VIII
March 1, 1943 Vickers Wellington III X3563 ZL-T RAF 427 (RCAF) Sqn Roscommon Ballybane, Ballinlough 0 6 "Sgt Lyndon George SOUTHWOOD 656200
Sgt Malcolm Barnes SUMMERS R/128658 RCAF DIS
F/Sgt John Carleton GROVER R/96255 RCAF
Sgt John Henry BLUE R/79384 RCAF
F/Sgt Alan Willett PUFFER R/105122 RCAF
Sgt William Norman CHALK R/100601 RCAF"

Click on link button to read the story

[IMA #B61; MA Files G2/X/1146 ACF-S-159 for Names; Service records of Summers and Puffer; Kevin Hora article in 1994 Killtulagh Parish publication; R. Koval advised Christian names August 2006, thanks!; Candian NA confirm names; Robertson p.169; MacCarron p.47 & 147 gives details but mixes this aircraft up with HE304, see below. Incident was not ''several months' later.]
March 6, 1943 Consolidated 28 Catalina G-AGDA G-AGDA BOAC BOAC Cork Cobh Harbour 0 Unk "Capt. Thomas ALLITT + (RAF 77029)
N/O Horace Smith (RAF P/O 125655)"
This aircraft appears to have made an emergency or precautionary landing in the harbour enroute to Foynes from Lisbon. It departed after four hours to Poole in Dorset. A photo of the aircraft on the water was published in McCarron's book but no identification was made until the log book of the aircrafts navigator, Linnell showed it to be Catalina G-AGDA.
March 17, 1943 Bristol Type 156 Beaufighter VIC JL710 Unknown RAF 304 FTU Cavan On St. Mogues Island, Templeport Lake, Bawnboy 0 2 "F/Lt Richard KAKURA 415155 RAAF
F/Sgt Tom 'Tommy' Wrigley HULME 1575387"

Click on link button to read the story

[MA Files G2/X/1157 & ACF-S-160, RAF Hendon Form 1180; Corr. w/ Kakura, Keen and Rothwell Families, N Rofe, Cavan, J Patterson and a multitude of others!! See detail links above; IMA #B63; Robertson p.234]
March 18, 1943 Consolidated Liberator III (B-24D-CO) FK222 (41-11590) U' RAF 86 Sqn. / Aldergrove Donegal Tullagh Strand, Clonmany, near Fort Lenan, Inishowen Penn. 23-45 0 7 "F/O Ernest Charles HAMMOND 117319
P/O Ronald Peter JAMES 49560
Sgt A W Cave
F/Sgt F J Williams
F/Sgt Alan Wilkie THIELE 401057 RAAF
Sgt W H Bryan

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[MA Files G2/X/1156 & ACF-S-161; RAF Museum Crash card confirmed first two names, the remaining crew names are extremely unclear from the Irish Army reports but Martin Gleeson provided correct details from the 86 Squadron Operations Record Book in UK National Archives.; O'Loughlan 30/11/04; Quinn p.57 ; IMA #B64; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.219; ABS agrees with 86 Sqn; Photo MacCarron p.34, RAFCommands thread confirmed Thiel name]
March 21, 1943 Boeing B-17F-40-BO Fortress 42-5220 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 10 "1/Lt Zias D DAVIS O-791079
F/O Carl D BROWN T-000080 DIS
2/Lt John G FOGARTY O-733424 DIS
2/Lt Robert L ALEXANDER O-726103 POW
T/Sgt Lewis F AYSCUE 33122529 DIS
S/Sgt Lloyd L MEYER 37074924
T/Sgt Earl W NORLEN 37166578 DIS
T/Sgt Perry D PEDERSEN 07071226 DIS
S/Sgt Larry D MCCOY 13087069 DIS
S/Sgt Jesse O WHEELER 14053337 DIS

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[MA Files G2/X/1158 & ACF-S-162, not much details in the reports; R. Franklin advised names of Meyer and Wheeler, also the people on the armyairforces forum; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; MacCarron p.129 (gives s/n wrong 205220) & 146; US Serial numbers Website; IMA #U8; Checked ABMC site and NARA to try find crew; SSDI searched for Alexander.;WW2M – 090314 None present]
April 7, 1943 Boeing B-17F-25-DL Fortress 42-3090 T'aint-a-bird' USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Cork White's Marsh, Clonakilty 0 11 "1/Lt William K. THOMAS O-791163
2/Lt James B STAPLETON O-734021
2/Lt William PROCHASKA O-731417 POW
2/Lt Collis P HAYNES Jr O-732729
S/Sgt Guy L TICE 16092892
S/Sgt William A WHITCOMBE 36183598 POW
T/Sgt Carl H CAMERON Jr 13036442 POW
Sgt Rex J NEELY 35326058 POW
S/Sgt Arlie G ARNESON 06575918 POW
S/Sgt Floyd L THOMPSON 18129666 POW
Sgt Marcel J St LOUIS 16109481 POW

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[USAAF Crash report (No Ref), all other ranks bar last 3 names found on NARA; SSDI checked; P J Cummins information; Reid article aeroplane, 1989; MacCarron p. 108, he gives incorrect s/n. A plaque was placed at O'Donovan's Hotel ; On both crash lists; IMA #U9,thread opened on; R Boland – p.59; WW2M – 090314 Stapleton maybe, others possibly]
April 17, 1943 Boeing B-17F-70-BO Fortress 42-29755 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 10 "1/Lt Cecil WALTERS O-664094 DIS
Lt Sidney D. ROSBERGER O-790297
Lt Edward C. QUIGLEY O-733355
2/Lt James C OLSEN O-736318 DIS
S/Sgt Barnett H GOODMAN 35285949 DIS
S/Sgt Joseph A. WOLOZYN 13087777 DIS
S/Sgt Rowland DOMENICK 35390046 DIS
S/Sgt Frank G. WADE Jr. 38204123 DIS
S/Sgt Joseph H. TRUITT 35487257 DIS
S/Sgt Ralph E. LEWIS 31077856 DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1169 ACF-S-165 for Crew names and serial; G. Ward of the 96th BGA email Oct.06 regarding crew names. Further details from AAF message forum, B. Beasley, crew mentioned in book 'Snetterton Eagles'; MacCarron p.81,146 (S/N given is incorrect); IMA #U10; ; Names recorded from except 2 survivors. Survivors not ID'd on SSDI; WW2M – 090314 Wade present]

Photo of the crew taken while on duty in the UK in the weeks after the Irish landing. "
May 2, 1943 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ERROR Unknown USAAF Unknown Donegal Killyhoey Strand, Portnablah / Dunfanaghy (North Donegal) 20-44 0 0 -
This dated incident is a mix up with the event below, dated 10th May and is quoted in Quinn's book DFS p.103 only, may have been based on errors printed in newspapers during 1993 where Harry X Ford name was incorrectly printed as Harry Knox. Local people and newspapers mixed up teh 16 June 1942 landing of a British aircraft with Harry Ford's request for information about his 1943 Donegal landing. People mixed up the two events and thus this May 2nd event was born.
May 10, 1943 Boeing B-17F-25-DL Fortress 42-3143 Bugs, (Bugs Bunny motif painted on fuselage) USAAF 524BS / 379 BG Donegal Tullan Strand, Bundoran 18-37 0 10 "2/Lt Kurt W FREUND O-793098 POW
2/Lt George A KAIN O-734099 DIS
1/Lt Harry X FORD O-733300 POW
Lt Robert H DEPENDAHL O-734539 POW
S/Sgt Bruce B LUHMANN 39840761POW
S/Sgt James C DYSON 18041327
S/Sgt John F PAZNAR 37271654 DIS
S/Sgt Wilford D BRADSHAW 37375688
Sgt John SEMACH 15320292
Cpl Paul V MATTHEW 35488678 POW"
This aircraft made a belly landing on the beach out of fuel and lost on ferry flight to the UK. The crew were met by guests from the nearby hotel and were dispatched across the border. The aircraft was dismantled and sent across border. The crew went on to 379th Bomb Group and eight of them were either killed in action or became POW's in the following months. John Semach evaded capture and made it back to England. The bombardier, Harry X Ford, visited Donegal in 1993 and published a book in 2010, named 'Mud, Wings and Wire' which tells his recall of the events in Ireland and in Germany as a POW. He had visited the wrong town, Portnablagh, based on the memories of locals who were actually recalling the landing of a British Hudson aircraft in June 1942, see above. The USAAF official report gives the location of the crash as being north of Bundoran but the Irish Army archive reports clearly point out it was in Bundoran
[MA Files G2/X/1174 & ACF-S-166 for names & details, file names are spelled incorrect; Kent Porter 379th BGA details on crew fates; USAAF Crash file 43-5-18-501 for names; Both and AAIA sites report is for 42-3143 which corresponds to sub-type shown; Quinn p.104 gives 'B-17 F-43-23143', this is a P-40 fighter serial, IMA #U11; MacCarron calls this a 'B-17G 20-VE but details are very mixed up p.35 (location at Portnablagh)& 126 ?. Crew names checked on US NARA; SSDI checked; WW2M – 090314 Freund, Ford, Paznar present]
May 25, 1943 Short S.25 Sunderland III DD846 2-D RAF 422 (RCAF) Sqn Mayo Off Clare Island, Clew Bay 11 0 "F/O Ernest Franklyn PAIGE DFC J/6007 + RCAF
F/O James William CLARKE J/12829 + RCAF
Sgt William George HOPPS R/133113 + RCAF
W/O Robert Bruce BRYERS R/125283 + RCAF
Sgt Donahan Anthony O'DOWD 527272 +
Sgt Derek Harold RICHARDSON 1172574 +
Sgt Ronald SHERWOOD 1289040 +
Sgt John ROWE 623554 +
Sgt James HIRD 935914 +
Sgt David PURVIS 1309732 +
W/O Wallace Roy THOMPSON R/76084 + RCAF

Click on button link to read thsi story

[Service records for Paige, Clarke, Hopps, Bryers, Thompson from LAC; CWGC site checked to confirm, Democracy At War also searched;MA file G2/X/1186 to be viewed but relates to this loss; IMA #B66, MacCarron p.20, 10 crew, A Memorial was raised on the Island in 1996 by the Paige family; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.201;]
June 4, 1943 Martin B-26C-5-MO Marauder 41-34718 Ridge Runner' USAAF 454BS / 323BG Louth Seapoint, Termonfeckin 0 4 "1/Lt Grant A SEELEY O-727784
1/Lt Walter J WILSON O-661057
S/Sgt Frank E SAUNDERS 39091300
S/Sgt Billy PRICHARD 14092411"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1193 & ACF-S-169 for names and details; USAAF Crash file 43-6-4-504; Contact with W Wilson and the Seeley family in 2008; NARA AAD; Roy Boyzch, at 323nd BG website confirmed names; MacCarron p.119, 146; On crash lists sites, can't confirm names and IMA #U12, 454BS guess; SSDI checked; WW2M – 090314 Prichard present]
June 29, 1943 Avro Anson I LT985 Unknown RAF 9 (Observer) AFU Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 3 "P/O Edward Brian CHURCHILL 123246
P/O Harold Leon KEMP J25349 RCAF DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1201 & ACF-S-171 very small file, Churchill family correspondance; IMA #B67; Robertson p.254; MacCarron p.81 probably & 146]
July 10, 1943 Consolidated B-24D-95-CO Liberator 42-40784 Travelin' Trollop' USAAF 567BS/389 BG Clare Lahinch 0 11 "2/Lt Max E VAN BENTHUYSEN O-383260
2/Lt Albert H LEIGHTON O-675084
2/Lt Manuel A PROTOS O-738886
2/Lt William E FOWLER O-2043684
T/Sgt Lester D WALTON 15102605
T/Sgt Henry J CRAWFORD 33314817
S/Sgt Chester V MILLER 11089630
S/Sgt John L BUSCH 06998037
S/Sgt James C BEAN 18108329
S/Sgt Charles H MILLER 33199009
W/O Benjamin ZIEV W-2116388"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[WRGI Booklet 1993 and Website tells the story,; USAAF Crash File 44-7-10-500; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006 MacCarron p.101 & 146; IMA #U13. Plaque exists in Lahinch from WRGI; 389th BG website does not yet mention the crew; WW2M – 090314 C V Miller and Ziev present ]
July 16, 1943 de Havilland DH.91 Albatross 6804 G-AFDK 'Fortuna' BOAC BOAC Clare Ballycally near Rinneanna Airfield 0 13 "Capt. Geoffrey Palliser MOSS BOAC
R/O Dennis Norman REVELL
Rosamond GILMOUR
Alice Helen WIGMORE
David Smillie Smith MACDOWALL BOAC
Grahame Temple MELLER BOAC
Piers John Barnes WIMBUSH"
Broke up on landing; G2 file contained few details, names coming from newspaper articles both published and censored ones. Flight crew not recorded therein. M O'Toole book 'Cleared for Disaster' discuss' crash. [MA Files G2/X/1209 & SI482 and British Airways Museum for Names; M.. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; Names corrected from Flight Magazine archives and The Times newspapers, Google books searches; MacCarron p.130 ; IMA #B69; The Times 09/08/1943; Check DOT]
July 17, 1943 Vickers Wellington X HE304 None RAF 304 (Polish) Sqn Laois Curragh, Ballickmoylar 0 6 "Sgt Stanisław KIEŁTYKA 784039
Sgt Karol Stefan PASIEKA 783096
Sgt Mieczysław Franciszek SALEWICZ 794661
Sgt Remigiusz DUSZCZAK 794723
Sgt Mikołaj PAWLUCZYK 784106
Sgt Władysław KACZAN 704211"
Crew bailed out over Carlow, Aircraft crashing in Laois ; [Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; Cummins Ch.13/p.103; TOCH Jun 2008 names and serials confirmed, F. Grabowski; Irish NA File A.26; IMA #B70; Robertson p.224; MacCarron p.47 and 146-147 mixes this aircraft up with Wellington X3563, see above]
July 23, 1943 Junkers Ju-88 D-1 430030 D7+DK Luftwaffe Wekusta 2 Cork Ballinacarriga Hill, Beara Penninsula (near Dursey Island) 4 0 "Uffz. Hans AUSCHNER + 67189/72
Gefr. Gerhard DÜMMLER + 67189/74
Obgefr. Johannes KASCHIDLO + 67189/73
Reg.Rat. Bruno NOTH + 67189/57
Aircraft crashed into the head land during a weather reconnaissance flight from Nantes. The incident is presented in detail at this Memorial Website from German.
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 22; MacCarron p. 94 & 147; Memorials exist on Ballinacarriga Hill and Dursey Cable Car Station car park. Travel Site(In German);[Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; IMA #G20; TOCH Forum Feb.05 thread; All crew are buried in Glencree (Volksbund site)]
July 28, 1943 Short S.25 Sunderland III G-AGES G-AGES BOAC BOAC Kerry On the slopes above Slieveglass, above Brandon village, Dingle Penninsula 10 15 "Capt. Thomas ALLITT + (RAF 77029)
2nd Officer John Harrop SLATER (RAF 1314572)
N/O Eric William VINCENT (RAF 909163)
E/O Harold Albert Victor RAWLINSON (RAF 1729082)
E/O Ralph Bousquet LAWES
R/O Charles Harry Pyett PHILLIPS
R/O Frederick Thomas James PARR (RAF 511330)
Mr Ian Kenneth THOM +
Mr Harold TRISTRAM +
Mr Lewis MILNER +
Mr Thomas Watson THOMSON
Mr Max Albert ROTH + (Swiss)
Col. Arthur Frederich Rawson LUMBY + (Army)
Col. Sidney Leonard PULLINGER + (Army)
Grp/Capt David William STANNARD 36119 +
Capt. Diarmuid John HARTIGAN 69053 + (Army)
Sgt Alfred Brooker DEPREE NZ417035 RNZAF
Gp/Capt. William Sacheverell HEBDEN 26109
P/O Leonard KING 139574
Sgt Kenneth Joseph DEVALL 1577068 +
Sgt. Victor Francis Edward SIMMONS 1295159
Sgt Roy Elliott BERTRAM 1606485
Sgt Oliver FRITH 1319140
Cpl. Raymond Francois LARCHE R/91611 RCAF
Sgt Lloyd Gilbert FRENCH R/122777 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1216 and SI/314 reviewed for names and data; BAMA Files in Heathrow; D'Arcy p.256; IMA #B71; MacCarron p.91; JM661 ex-RAF serial - from G-INFO; Crew and passenger names from MA files, Newspapers, UK NA records, The British Airways Museum and The Times 30/07/1943 and from kind help of S. Harper from AVIA crash report and his personnel research. Neither list tallies. Six names found on CWGC site. Canadian NA confirm Larche and French names Review DOT and UK DOT. WO208 Escape and Evasion indices contain 5 of the survivors names, E. Martyn confirming Depree's name.; Grave stone photo from Flypast Jan 87 article. Contact with French and Larch Families, 2007. M A Roth files from Swiss Foreign service. Emails from K Frazer, daughter of T. Allitt, 2007. A. Lumby, 2007., Fred Parr's sons 2007; R. Larche 2007, Frith Family, G. Schnieder, Devall family]
August 6, 1943 Fairey Barracuda II DP862 B FAA 810 Squadron, HMS Illustrious Donegal Ballyness, Falcarragh 19-44 0 3 "S/Lt James Graham IRVINE DIS
LA Walther Edward MURRAY FAA/SFX.3445 DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files GS/X/1218 & ACF-S-178 for Names.;M. Gleeson information 2007 and 2008 for confirmation of names and aircraft; Contacted by J H Irvine family in March 2008; IMA #B72, It says date 6/8; MacCarron p.35 & p.147 gives 16/08/43; Quinn 16/08 p.120 but 06/08 on p.57; The Irish Army recorded serial as Z1132 but this was a non produced serial number per Robinson, in a Wellington block.]
August 22, 1943 Short S.25 Sunderland III DD848 N RAF 201 Sqn Kerry On the slopes above Slieveglass, above Brandon village, Dingle Penninsula 8 3 "F/O Guy Nelson WILKINSON 51121 +
F/Lt Charles Seymour GROSSEY 45199 +
F/Lt Arthur Charles GRIFFIN 62311 +
F/Sgt Norman Baron PICKFORD 657043 +
F/Sgt Joseph William BURTON 1287499 +
F/Sgt John Robert COSTER 1259732 +
F/Sgt Walter Noel PITTS 749904 +
Sgt George Frederick Walter TILT 1338702 +
Sgt John Sidney APPLEGATE 647007
Sgt George William DAVIES 952226
F/Sgt William MCLEAN 996639"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1221; Information from L. Ingram, and family of Griffin and Pitts; Checked CWGC; MacCarron p.92, WRGI Website; IMA #B73; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.201]
August 27, 1943 Consolidated Liberator GR. V BZ802 / 42-63825 V RAF 86 Sqn. / Aldergrove Cork Goulane, nr Castletownbere 7 0 "F/O Donald William ROBERTS 110892 +
F/O Robert Michael KILDEA 118092 +
F/O Clifford Frederick CROPPER 125675 +
Sgt Geoffrey Leonard PLUME 1243779 +
F/Sgt John Sydney RIPPON 1120928 +
Sgt Walther Henry HARRIS 1376826 +
F/Sgt Edward Bryan Headlam WELLS 574605 +"
Aircraft crashed in hills at approx. 20:50. LDF were at scene prior to military from Fort Berehaven. Bodies were recovered and broght down the mountain and handed over the border 29 August with guard of honour from 8 Inf. Btn. Military salvaged items over the next few days and unexploded weapons andn large parts of the wreckage were blown up. Memorial plaques were unveiled in 1983 by the WRGI. [MA File G2/X/1225 only,; CWGC site checked; IMA #B75; Robertson p.200; ABS AA-AZ confirms loss and unit; G O'Regan message 2004; HOHGv2 p236]
September 16, 1943 Lockheed Hudson V (LR) AM885 (414-2967) Unknown RAF 301 FTU/B Flt Wexford Kinnagh, Ballycullane 3 0 "F/Sgt John COLHOUN 657975 +
F/Sgt Pryce OWEN 655407 +
F/Sgt Alexander James CHABARRA R/131724+ RCAF "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Irish MA file G2/X/1228; P. Owen's nephew M. farmer confirmed that P. Owen was the third crew man. Thread raised on forum and information details of the gravestone returned. (Mar 06); Cummins Ch. 14/p.107, note Sgt. Oven should read Owen; Service record for Chabbara from LAC shows he was last assigned to 1 (C) Op.TU; CWGC site checked; IMA #B76; MacCarron p.147 but unit name wrong?; Robertson p.183 AM885; ABS AA-AZ confirms loss and unit]
October 12, 1943 Avro Anson I LV139 ED-4 RAF 12 AGS, Bishopscourt, NI Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 4 "Sgt Stuart CHAMBERS 1576381
LAC Sydney BIRD 1494307 DIS
AC Reuben Edward FOULDS 1591122 DIS
AC Donald Victor DALE 1463201"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1247; IMA #B77; Robertson p.253; MacCarron p.81 & 147; Confirmed Chambers serial number in AIR78 files]
November 5, 1943 Douglas C-47A-40-DL Skytrain 42-24074 Unknown USAAF 435th TCG Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 8 "1/Lt Jesse M HARRISON O-675587
2/Lt Chester R HAZELWOOD O-677494
2/Lt Richard M CANAVAN O-798746
S/Sgt Emilio J GIACOMIN 33290043
S/Sgt Charles S DARBY 33206019 DIS
2/Lt Phillip J SEBEK O-745196
S/Sgt Donald B PINOCHI 37317784
S/Sgt Henry S BROCKGRAITENS 37408429"

Aircraft had become lost on flight from Morroco to the UK. They were refueled and left the next day. This aircraft became registered as LV-XFR postwar and flew until 1959 with the Argentine Air Force. IIt was damaged in an incident on 3rd July 1959 near Córdoba-Pajas Blancas Airport but without any fatalities. The photo above came from the family of Phil Rawlins of the 77th TCS and published in his Squadron history. It shows the American airmen with members of the irish Defense Forces at Rinneanana. The Americans are: Back Row, 3rd from Left, Sgt Charles Darby, Radio Operator, 4th from left, Emilio Giacomin, Crew Chief; 5th from Left Charles Sebek. Co-pilot Jesse Harrison is 4th from the right in the back row. All the men survived the war except for Charles S Darby who was killed on 17th October 1944 along with four other airmen when their C-47 S/N 43-30720 crashed into a hill side in England returning from a supply mission to the continent.
[MA File G2/X/1249, took names only; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; ABMC and US National WW2 Memorial mention a Charles S Darby; Date matches the dates of the 435th transfer to ETO; MacCarron p.130, 147; From Douglas prodlist site; IMA #U14; WW2M – 090314 Hazelwood OK possibly present]
November 5, 1943 Douglas C-47A-45-DL Skytrain 42-24098 Unknown USAAF 435th TCG Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 8 "2/Lt Harold J KRAUSS O-799926
2/Lt Robert E DAVIES O-742567
2/Lt George E MURRIN O-809402
S/Sgt Lawland E WYNEE 38235854
Cpl Oscar E PRINCE, Jr 18165964
M/Sgt Eddie A MARTIN 38005695
Sgt David D LEIBOWITZ 327242988 ?
Cpl Norbert T VONDENBENKEN 35668068"
Aircraft had become lost on flight from Morroco to the UK. They were refueled and left the next day. [MA File G2/X/1249, took names only. M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; US National WW2 Memorial mention a Harold J Krauss with the 435th TCG; Date matches the dates of the 435th transfer to ETO; MacCarron p.130, 147; IMA #U14; WW2M – 090314 Krauss present]
November 7, 1943 Handley Page H.P.57 Halifax V EB134 Unknown RAF 1663 HCU / Rufforth, Yorkshire Galway Ryehill, Lavally, Barnaderg, Tuam 7 0 "F/Sgt George Hilton SANSOME 423386 + RAAF
F/Sgt Allan Stewart JOHNSTON 409125 + RAAF
W/O Norman William GARDNER R/65741 + RCAF
Sgt Anthony Joseph GALLAGHER 410595 + RAAF
Sgt Edgar William CAMP 1605423 +
Sgt Leslie Harold WILDMAN 1158064 +
Sgt Robert Mair CLARK 1051117 +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Thread on 57Rescue Forum Nov2005. Rootes built, EB127 - EB160; MA File G2/X/1250, read for names; Article above and order of service, booklet from memorial service; All the RAAF men's Service records and casualty files are digitized on NAA; Gardner service record from LAC; IMA #B78; MacCarron p.51, crew not all Canadian, 3 Australians, 1 Canadian and remainder British; Robertson p.210]
November 13, 1943 Short S.25 Sunderland III DD863 3+J RAF 423 (RCAF) Sqn Mayo Last position was plotted at 16 miles north of Mayo. 11 0 "F/Lt Arthur Ferris BRAZENOR 108011 +
F/Sgt Stanley George BROCKWAY 1312981 +
P/O Robert Hipwell WILSON C/1845 + RCAF
F/O Hampton Blaine PHARIS J/11651 + RCAF
Sgt David BIGMORE 573940 +
Sgt Leslie MORGAN 932389 +
Sgt Michael Francis FLYNN 1358982 +
F/Sgt Raymond Joseph MONEY 538450 +
Sgt Herbert Walter FELL 942837 +
Sgt Harold Ernest Edward ATTWOOD 1254927 +
F/Sgt Richard William STIFF 1335635 +
This aircraft was flying a convoy escort mission when it was lost with out trace. They had reported engine trouble and that they were returning to base. Strong sea conditions were reported at the time. This loss not recorded by Irish military hence not an 'Irish' crash as such. None of the crew members were recovered. [O'Loughlan Mail list; Service records for Wilson and Pharis from LAC; CWGC site checked; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.201 Mk.III type; Mentioned Shearwater Museum, CA]
December 9, 1943 Boeing B-17G-15-BO Fortress 42-31420 Gaza King' call sign USAAF Air Transport Command, (Ferry Flight) Chambers Group (Prov) Sligo Near Eagle Rock, between Benwisken and Truskmore Mtn., above Ballintrillick 3 7 "2/Lt Richard C WALCH O-745025
2/Lt William M GRIM O-751123
2/Lt Richard E FOX O-685794 +
2/Lt William F WALLACE O-1573651 +
S/Sgt Moss L MENDOZA 11114403
S/Sgt Robert A SMITH 18192259
Sgt Adam J LATECKI 16144885 +
Sgt Wilfred N G VINCENT 34150978
Sgt Emil C DRAKE 15325547
Sgt Carl W WILLIAMSON 18162726"

Click on the link button to read the story.

. [Irish MA G2/X/1255 & ACF-S-187 files; USAAF Form 14 from AFHSO; 2/Lt Grim evasion report; Robert 'Bob' Smith Jan. 2006 survivor of the crash, he confirm surname Grimm for Co-Pilot; Daughter of W M Grim, Gertrude contacted in 2007 and Roberta daughter of M. Mendoza in 2008; Barbara daughter of Walch in 2009; families of Fox, Wallace and Vincent all contacted 2009. I spoke with many locals from Ballintricllick and Glenade areas; O'Loughlan 11/01/05 crew confirm; and AAIA - ; Both Sites list.; Quinn p.105 gives this as B-17 G-42-31420, MacCarron p. 123 & p.147 has wrong date and gives incorrect s/n 42-31320; IMA #U15; McGowan, armyairforces forum post, T. Kearns, Nov05, information received from E Renière Nov05, Great assistance from K. Porter 379 BGA; HOHGv2 p240; WW2M – 090314 Wallace present]
December 9, 1943 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ERROR Unknown USAAF Unknown Mayo Nr Bellmullet 0 0 -
MacCarron only mentions this crash p.147, Not on A/C list. Thought to be a mix up of the Sligo crash and the January 24 crash in Mayo.
December 13, 1943 Focke-Wulf Fw200 C-6 237 F8+MR Luftwaffe 7/III/KG.40 Tipperary Ballydrinan, Ballycommon, near. Nenagh (Portroe, Dromineer,) 0 8 "Oblt. Egon SCHERRET
Uffz. Hans MEIDEL
Uffz. Karl Heinz SCHWARZKOPF
Uffz. Ulrich WINKLER
Ofw. Willi VOLL
Fw. Alfred THIEMT
Uffz. Bruno ARNDT"
"Having flown around the west coast for some time the aircraft made a forced landing having run low on fuel and with engine problems. The crew interned in Curragh that night. [Ref: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 23; Nigel Moore information 2019; Kearns/Bateson, Air Pictorial 1996; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; MA Files G2/X/1259 & ACF-S-188 for names, ranks a little unclear; M. O'Reilly article The Guardian, Nenagh Sept. 2 2006.; IMA #G21; MacCarron p.70 & 147] "
December 14, 1943 Handley Page H.P.54 Harrow II (Sparrow) K7005 Unknown RAF 271 Sqn. Donegal Crocknasmug mountain, Carrowtrana, Moville, Inishowen Penn. 26-45 4 1 "P/O Carol Herbert BROWN 155367 +
P/O James William SWABY 156061
F/Sgt Arthur Bain SHAW 1126638 +
LAC John Thurston TABERNER 993107 +
LAC Albert Edward JAMES 942850 + "

Click on the link button to read the story.

. [MA Files G2/X/1260 & ACF-S-189; Swaby from LG; Geoff Negus on Airforce deaths forum gave names of dead, thanks. M Gleeson gave great help, and J O'Loughlan in Jan 2007 to relation of A. E. James. IMA #B79; Quinn p. 120; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.104 given as Mk.II; F Cassidy sent photos of Shaw's grave stone, Norbury; Times newspaper brief article Dec 15]
December 17, 1943 Grumman Martlet ERROR Unknown FAA Unknown Donegal St. Johnston - - -
; MacCarron p.35, Quinn p.118 calls it Miles Martinet
December 17, 1943 Douglas C-47A-60-DL Skytrain 43-30719 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command, (437 TCG ?) Kerry Knocknapeasta , MacGilliguddy Reeks 5 0 "2/Lt John L. SCHARF O-681710+
2/Lt Lawrence E. GOODIN O-687126 +
2/Lt Frederick Vincent BROSSARD O-814018+
S/Sgt Wesley T. HOLSTLAW 39111879 +
Sgt Arthur A SCHWARTZ 33289542 +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1281 AND ACF-S-203 Information received from G. O'Regan 2004; USAF Crash file 44-12-16-501 and MACR 1374; DP Mould article WWI; WRGI Website, MacCarron p.104 & 147, ;Both crash lists confirm; IMA #U19, list says 04/12 as crash found then. ABMC site lists Goodin & Scharf under 63rd TCG, the US based training unit. Brossard also on ABMC; HOHGv2 p242; WW2M – 090314 None present]
December 18, 1943 Boeing B-17G-20-DL Fortress 42-37985 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 10 "2nd/Lt Herbert D ROSSBERG O-804509 DIS
2nd/Lt Matthew J BAUER O-688731 POW
2nd/Lt Virgil J GERTH O-746574 POW
2nd/Lt John A KUPSICK O-685654
S/Sgt Charles E ATKINSON 15084516
S/Sgt Albert PAPLASKAS 11087519 DIS
S/Sgt George F BENNETT 15339963
Sgt John S CHIDDER 15336131
Sgt Therman P SMOTHERMAN 37417414 POW
Sgt Frederick H BROWN Jr 31084894 POW

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1264 & ACF-S-191 for names;M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; MacCarron p.130, IMA #U16 (I thought s/n was 43-37895), Crew fate from 379th BG Assoc. K. Porter, See Website; WW2M – 090314 Kupsick Present]
December 20, 1943 Vickers Wellington XIV HF208 2S ? RAF 304 (Polish) Sqn Kerry On the slopes above Slieveglass, above Brandon village, Dingle Penninsula 6 0 "F/Sgt Klemens ADAMOWICZ + 780537 PolAF
Sgt Stanislaw CZERNIAWSKI + 794362 PolAF
Sgt Naftali Hirsz Pawel KUFLIK + 794712 PolAF
Sgt Pavel KOWALEWICZ + 703968 PolAF
Sgt Kazimierz ŁUGOWSKI + 703438 PolAF
Sgt Wincenty PIETRZAK + 782657 PolAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1265 & ACF-S-193 for names and details; Polskie Skrzydla nad Irlandia, 2015 Łukasz Gredys, Piotr Sikora; D Earl HoHGv1, p197; The 304 Squadron blog site; MacCarron p. 92; WRGI Website; IMA #B80; Robertson p.224 Gives it Mk. XIV; markings suggested online]"
December 28, 1943 Miles Martinet TT.I HP371 Unknown RAF 131 (C) OTU Monaghan Knockatallon, Scotstown 1 0 F/Sgt John Reid MCMILLAN 986831 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1267 & ACF-S-194 gives rank and surname only; RAF Museum F1180 card confirms pilot name; CWGC site checked; MA #B81; Robertson p.231]
December 29, 1943 Supermarine Spitfire Vb AD457 Unknown RAF 303 Sqn. Unknown, confirmed Unknown 1 0 W/Cmdr Charles Ronald HANCOCK 05112 + OBE DFC
Flown by W.C. Charles Hancock OBE DFC. This loss was off Northern Ireland but left here for record purposes. Not an Irish crash by any means. [IMA #B81a; E-mail from G. MacFarlane 2003 Antrim; Basic details on; DWilliams 2001email; IMA #B81(a); Robertson p.179; ABS AA-AZ confirms missing and unit]
January 23, 1944 Handley Page H.P.57 Halifax V LK704 Unknown RAF 518 (Met) Sqn. / Tiree, Scotland Donegal Tullan Strand, Bundoran 18-37 8 0 "F/O Norman Glyn GZOWSKI J/25335 + RCAF
W/O Lloyd Joyce UPSHALL R/127754 + RCAF
F/O Vladimir ADAMIC J/25181 + RCAF
W/O Frank ASH 1375269 +
F/O Frederick Edward DAWSON J/25182 + RCAF
Sgt Donald Parr HEWITSON 1867399 +
Sgt Frederick Lewarne Eric HUSSEY 1800648 +
F/O Clarence Loree SCOTT J/20119 + RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IrishMA Files G2/X/1274 and ACF-S-198. Impartial Reporter article 2002. MacCarron p.35 also gives LK714, photo of memorial on p.51 gives correct and crew names, memorial at site; All names checked on CCWGC and RCAF Casualty lists; O'Loughlin VDC p49, Quinn p.108 give LK714 but this is not a Halifax s/n ; IMA #B82; ; Robertson p.252, Built by Fairey, LK680 - LK711, ]
January 23, 1944 Boeing B-17G-20-BO Fortress 42-31507 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Kilkenny Queanys Bog, Foulkscourt, Johnstown 0 10 "2/Lt Charles G SMITH Jnr O-803295
F/O John M HANING T-122545
2/Lt Ralph H STANLEY O-811784
2/Lt Garven F WILLIAMS Jr O-688570
Sgt Stanley C BURTON 33443510
Sgt Kenmore E ROWE 36179248
Sgt Robert F WISE 15323620
Sgt George AVILEZ Jr 39029206
Sgt Raymond NIDAY 19092972
Sgt Vernon D GARDNER 17165578
Crew had abandoned aircraft over NI and aircraft carried on un-manned until crashing! Crew appear to have gone on to the 384th Bomb Group minus Stanley. [USAAF Crash File 44-1-23-500; Cummins Ch.15/p.111; MacCarron p. 123; IMA #U17 ; 384th Bomb Group site, contains photos from KE Rowe of his service; W.o.I says Sligo]
January 24, 1944 Boeing B-17G-15-VE Fortress 42-97443 Unknown USAAF 749BS/457 BG Mayo Termoncarragh, Belmullet 0 10 "2/Lt Donald G. KARR O-803829
2/Lt John E HAIGHT O-751731
2/Lt Joel H. APEL O-681975
2/Lt Richard M. CONDON O-690372
S/Sgt Kenneth M. KRISE 33249569
Sgt Phillip FINKELSTEIN 32496500
S/Sgt Morris J. WOODELL 14188230
Sgt Paul M. ROGERS 39458458
Sgt Charles L. EDWARDS 16052024
Sgt Eugene H. PAPROTA 32478767
Mr. George M KROUSKOP Civ LOC +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1276 & ACF-S-199; USAAF Crash report 44-1-24-508 and NARA AAD;; Confirmed subtype: confirmed on 457th BG Website , photos of crew available; IMA #U18]; John Krouskop nephew contacted in 2007.]
January 31, 1944 Short S.25 Sunderland III DW110 Unknown RAF 228 Sqn. Donegal Mullaghnadress, Cloughan, Bluestack Mtns. 20-40 7 5 "F/Lt Howard Charles Sheffield ARMSTRONG DFC 42383 +
F/O Maurice Vincent WAREING 129072 +
F/Lt Maurice Leonard GILLINGHAM 104369 +
F/O Joseph George TRULL 128117 DIS
W/O 'Tubby' John Bruce RICHARDSON 523921
Sgt Charles Stanley HOBBS 1644857
Sgt Cyril Robinson GREENWOOD 1129218 +
F/Sgt Frederick George GREEN R/184005 RCAF +
Sgt John Ernest PARSONS 1315937 +
Sgt Frederick Tom COPP 614970 +
Sgt 'Jim' James Kenneth GILCHRIST 1338328
F/Sgt 'Jim' Arthur GOWENS 1055929"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1279 & ACF-S-201; F G Green service Record Lib/Arc Canada; Spoke with Eric Harrison of 228 Sqn association. Quinn p.60-69; IMA #B84; MacCarron p.20 & 35; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004, Confusion of crew total; Memorial at site; Quinn p.60, Robertson p.208; Turns up on numerous sites. Trull later KIA in 1944; HOHGv2 p244; RCAF Casualty List 806, Contact made with D. Tucker relative of M V Wareing and the family of F G Green and relatives of Trull, Richardson and Copp all in 2008; Confirmed Hobbs name from AIR78 and Canadian records]
January 31, 1944 North American Mitchell II (B-25D-30) FW235 (43-3555) None RAF 45 Group Transport Command Mayo Doolough, Geesala 0 3 "Charles Louis LECHEVALIER (Civ)
Etienne NEMES (Civ)
W/O Norman Hugh Alexander SCOTT R/95254 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[G2/X/1278 & ACF-S-200; Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; Ferry Command Assignment Cards; A.M. Form 78; IMA #B83 but dated as 23.01.1944; Robertson p.222; ABS agrees; MacCarron P.14 but dated 11/02/1944]"
February 4, 1944 Consolidated B-24H-15-FO Liberator 42-52404 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 10 "2/Lt Charles W STILSON O-536780 /30?
2/Lt Joseph E WORTON O-807093
2/Lt Raymond E SAWYER O-810330
2/Lt Melvin C MARSHALL O-752764 DIS
T/Sgt Bruce W GRABO 36235705
S/Sgt James H BLAKE 17169314
S/Sgt William R PEARCE 12158599 DIS
Sgt William Leon JOHNSON 34257791
Sgt Clarence B CONNELLY 13143715
Sgt Arthur SILVERMAN 11113807 DIS"
On delivery flight from the USA, lost bearings, getting low on fuel and claiming radio problems, it landed at 12:30 at the airport. Carburettor needed replacement following a fire while starting up on the 7th Feb. A replacement was flown in with repair crew from NI in Oxford aircraft. Flew out on 10th of Feb. Aircraft was lost May 8, 1944 with the 754BS/458BG in crash in the UK. The crew of this aircraft were themselves shot down over England on April 22, three losing their lives with the 458th Bomb Group, see website. [MA Files G2/X/1280 & ACF-S-204; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; MacCarron p.130 & 147; IMA #U20; 458th BG Honour Roll]
February 8, 1944 Airspeed Oxford II W6652 Unknown USAAF 27 ATG Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 3 "1/Lt Harry M THRON O-301906
S/Sgt William R ROSSER 13036156
Jack CORNELIUS (Civilian)"
Flew in replacement carburettor and technician for 42-52404. Flew out on 10th February. Aircraft suffered an accident on February 19th at Maghaberry, NI. [MA Files G2/X/1280 & ACF-S-204; MacCarron p.130; AAIA site; Robinson p.165; HM Thron name on letter in USAAF File 43-12-17-502]
February 8, 1944 Boeing B-17G-35-BO Fortress 42-31971 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 10 "2/Lt William Otto ROTTSTEDT O-803278
2/Lt John F DUFFY O-685261
2/Lt Daniel W JAMES O-676285
Sgt Edmund S BALLING 33005284
S/Sgt L D RAGAN 35522533
S/Sgt Edward J FRENCH 15104561
Sgt John A DINGEE 31248246
Sgt Merle L LINDSEY 19079454
Sgt Raymond E WOOLSEY 32808528"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1282 & ACF-S-204 for names; Contacted Ray Woolsey and L D Ragan's daughter in 2008. They were able to supply photos. 95th BG website lists the crews names.;MacCarron p.130 & 147; 390th BG site for aircraft fate; IMA #U21; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006]
February 20, 1944 Boeing B-17G-20-VE Fortress 42-97553 None USAAF Schmidt Group (Prov) / 303 BG Donegal Fintragh Strand, Killybegs 16-38 0 10 "2/Lt Frederick L. ROWAN O-806346
2/Lt William G. MOYER O-748745
2/Lt Robert L. BATES O-695853
2/Lt Loren F. RAWLINGS O-741283 POW
Sgt Robert W. HANSON 16094882
Sgt Lyman E. ELA Jr 31218566
Sgt Vachel ROUGHLEY 18168359
Sgt Earl D. SALMON 39275995
Sgt John L. ARENDT 16170569
Sgt Theodore ""Ted"" G. MILLER 32796784
This aircraft was force landed in the water just off the strand at Fintragh. All crew slightly injured but were able to be handed over the border on 21 February. They went on to serve with the 303rd Bomb Group. The aircraft was blown up on Feb 24th; The pilots story and a photo of the crew are shown on the 303BG website.; Name Knucklehead on photo in Quinn's book, this is an a/c in the US in late 1943 and is not the same crew as involved in the landing. [MA Files G2/X/1284 & ACF-S-205; USAAF Crash report 44-2-20-505 and NARA AAD; On also; IMA #U22; MacCarron p.35, 126 &147 S/N is wrong, 42-7533, this is a B-24 lost 22/12/43 w/ 66BS/44BG , suggests aircraft name Bar Fly]
February 22, 1944 Douglas C-47-DL Skytrain 41-18535 Unknown USAAF 36 TCS / 316 TCG Dublin Leopardstown Racecourse 0 9 "1/Lt Robert J. PHILLIPS O-737854
2/Lt John R. JOHNSON O-804676
2/Lt Francis C. WEIGERT O-804810
T/Sgt Leroy R. BABBIT 36175331
Sgt George F. CROOKS 16146793
2/Lt. Charles A. WILDE O-684096
S/Sgt Louis J. MULKERN 31071969
S/Sgt George J. JOHNSON 17048256
S/Sgt Stephen O. TISDALE 34352426"
Landed short of fuel at Leopardstown. A runway was cleared for a low weight take off. Took of and flew to Baldonnal on 23 Feb., then to Nutts Corner on 24 of Feb.; [MA files GS/X/1286 & ACF-S-206 and IMA #U24 confirm dates; Assistance received from P Elie on forum, Dec.2005, 316th Forum, names from there; Mentioned in book by M Ingrisano ; J Johnson contacted me, March 2007; P Laffen of Foxrock, 2007; US National WW2 Memorial mention Phillips, G J Johnson, Tisdale and Babbitt as being with 316th TCG, this matches transfer dates to ETO (armyairforces); MacCarron p. 103 (May) and 148 (Feb) - Gives conflicting dates; A/c post war became NC56001.]
February 22, 1944 Martin B-26B-50-MA Marauder 42-95944 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 5 "Capt. William SLADE O-421231
Capt. Dallas W TAYLOR O-487701
1/Lt Robert W WILLIAMS O-794914
S/Sgt Fred MICHAELSON 34404401
Cpl Kenneth AYOOB 39104786"
Landed following ferry flight from Marrakech to UK, low on fuel and lost. Refueled and took off after only 4 hours on the ground. Aircraft went on to serve with 322nd BG and later crashed. The crew men all appear to have been posted with Air Transport Command and hence may not have served in combat. [MA Files GS/X/1285 & ACF-S-207 for names, little detail. M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; IMA #U23; MacCarron Mentions only p.130; made contact with Ayoob family 2007; Ancestry records 2008]
February 23, 1944 Consolidated B-24J-105-CO Liberator 42-109825 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 10 "2/Lt Carl Frederick ELLINGER O-808808 DIS
2/Lt Neil Hampton MORTON O-813556 DIS
2/Lt Joe Lawrence WIELAND O-691844 DIS
2/Lt Ross Harold HALL O-684154 DIS
S/Sgt Ralph OLSON 37290262 DIS
S/Sgt Aubrey Duran COBLE 39460628 DIS
Sgt Harry E. PHILLIPS 38449700 DIS
Sgt Pierre E. DILLEY 35355509
Sgt Harvey Harrison WEEKS Jr. 15071843 DIS
Sgt Merle J HASENFRATZ 39410914 POW"
Flying from Africa to the UK, landed lost and short of fuel at 9:53am. Refueled and departed at 15:00. Crew went on to 392nd BG where all but two lost their live in combat 24 April 1944. [MA Files G2/X/1287 & ACF-S-209 for crew details; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; IMA #U25; MacCarron Mentions only p.130; site incl. 392 BG info; An interview exists with Ellinger in NARA RG498]
February 27, 1944 Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberator (B-24D-105-CO) 63939 (42-40825) H USN VB-110 / Air Wing 7 Kerry Collided Skellig rock 11 0 "Lt John Louis WILLIAMS+
Lt(jg) Charles William QUIGLE +
Ens Kendall Lee BOWMAN +
Acmm Elijah Glover WILLIS +
Amm2c Gordon Edward DAVISON +
Rm2c John Ashbury HUFFMAN, Jr. +
Rm3c Herbert Carl CROW +
Aom3c John Edward MCLAUGHLIN +
Amm3c Ernest William LIBBY +
Sea2c Jack Thurman FLENER +
Sea2c Morris John OLSON +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[No Irish Military file on this; US Navy Crash card; Names on ABMC; NARA honour roll; Information received from G O'Regan; WRGI Website; MacCarron p.106; Early assistance from site]
March 5, 1944 Douglas C-47A-15-DL Skytrain 42-23395 Unknown USAAF 314th TCG Clare Rinneanna Airfield 0 9 "Capt. Clarence B ANDERSON Jr O-665499
1/Lt Merril E SMITH O-729256
2/Lt Allan M WRANG O-800800
Sgt Edward K OTT 13124623
T/Sgt George A BISHOP 19075930 DIS
Capt. Secor D BROWNE O-855474
Capt. Lamb B MYHR O-419797
1/Lt Norman J WOMACK O-525184
Sgt Edward DALEY Jr 31149309 DIS"

                    Image Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File GS/X/1288 & ACF-S-210; Robert Callahan, veteran of the 314th TCG sent on a raft of information including a group newsletter article. M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; IMA #U26, 6 of those on board found with the 50th TCS/314th TCG on D-Day, the aircraft also flown on the drop missions - D-Day - Normandy Site by Patrick Elie; Checked NARA; Secor D. Browne seems to have gone on to become CAB Chairman in later life, NASM Archives]"
March 8, 1944 Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress ERROR Unknown USAAF Unknown Clare Rinneanna Airfield - - -
MacCarron error? (See Feb. 8, 1944 date correct?)
March 9, 1944 Consolidated 28 Catalina IVB (Boeing PB2B-1) JX330 Unknown RAF 45 Group Transport Command Limerick Foynes 0 6 "Capt. Ralph Elishea ADAMS (Civ)
Clyde Cecil FOREMAN (Civ)
P/O Charles William MCGREGOR-SHAW 404612 RAAF
John Gilderdale GASCOIGNE (Civ)
Sgt John Vernon LOCKE 1582748
Charles Oakley J WOODARD (US Civ)"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files GS/X/1290 & ACF-S-211; Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; W. Fydenchuk supplied info on Woodard and Foreman; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; type confirm; IMA #B85; MacCarron p.24; Robertson p.237, Have not check up Foreman; Info received from Hugh Haliday 2007]
March 11, 1944 Vickers Wellington XII HF311 H RAF 407 Sqn Galway Clifden (Smithsons remains washed up here) 6 0 "P/O Charles GRANT J/18993 RCAF +
F/O Hugh Campbell SORLEY J/20049 RCAF +
P/O Franklin Leroy TRAVERS J/90591 RCAF +
F/O Edmund Micheal O'DONNELL J/16923 RCAF +
P/O Reginald Carl GAUDET J/89118 RCAF +
P/O Ivor Ernest SMITHSON J/89117 RCAF +"
Lost at sea during a patrol mission. Smithson's body was washed up in Derrygimbla, near Clifden, some months later and is buried there. [D'Arcy p.265, RAFCommands thread May 06; M. Gleeson information; Robertson p.224; RCAF Casualty lists April 1944]
March 12, 1944 Supermarine Seafire F.III or L.III LR841 Unknown FAA 887 Sqn Meath Gormanstown Aerodrome 0 1 Lt. Andrew John THOMSON DSC
Link Image

Click on the link button to read the story.

[ABIX/Lee Howard info May/05, MA Files G2/X/1291 & ACF-S-212; H Houterman for name correction Jul 07; Basic details on;IMA #B86; Robertson p.253]
March 12, 1944 Armstrong Whitworth AW38 Whitley Unknown T RAF 24 OTU Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 5 "F/O Albert SMITTEN J/35051 RCAF
F/O Charles Reginald LAING J/35099 RCAF
P/O Ernest John Simpson WOOD J/88510 RCAF
F/O John Robert THACKERAY J/28989 RCAF
Sgt Nelson Joseph MCDONALD R/168240 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IMA #B87; MA Files G2/X/1292 ACF-S-213 for unit and crew names; Canadian NA confirm names; RAFCommands forum Mar05 clarify names and suggested a/c S/N; Charles Laing RIP 2005, contacted in 2003.; RCAF 6th Group site has later picture of 4 members of crew; Sharon Sherwood, J Thackeray Daughter in Law Contacted in Jan. 2006; MacCarron p.82 & 148
March 16, 1944 Martin B-26C-45-MO Marauder 42-107635 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command, from 9th Air Force Cork The Marsh, Skibereen 0 5 "F/O Oscar T JONES T-185393
2/Lt James H DELOACH O-691088 POW
2/Lt Enoch A MILES O-445777
Sgt Richard W HARBORDT 38364743
Sgt Billy J KERR 18184074"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1295 and ACF-S-214, USAAF Crash Report 44-3-16-500 and NARA AAD; names checked on; On; IMA #U27; MacCarron p.148, seems to list this as a B-24 with a crew member killed, not correct for this date; MACR received for DeLoach shoot down]
March 17, 1944 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Monaghan Monaghan town - - -
The Irish Army file for this aircraft are not extensive. Locals reported that an aircraft made a landing and departed very quickly afterwards. Locals thought it was a single engine two seater aircraft. [MA File G2/X/1297; IMA #U28.]
April 21, 1944 Handley Page H.P.57 Halifax V LL145 G' RAF 517 (Met) Sqn / Brawdy, Wales Cork The Marsh, Skibereen 0 8 "Sgt Donald TRAVERS 1819689
Sgt Alan MITCHINSON 1040987
Sgt John Allan BARTHRAM 1876801
Sgt Robert WRIGHT 656650
F/Sgt Alan Stewart LAWES RAAF 417206
Sgt Jack MUSK 1331422 DIS
Sgt Frederick John POUNE 133683
Sgt Arthur William ASHWORTH 1474249 DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1307 & ACF-S-217 for crew names; John Bartram emails 2007, A Healy, Skibbereen; IMA #B88, MacCarron p.52-53; Robertson p.252, Lawes name checked on Nominal Roll; Musk and Ashworth were lost later during 1944, checked on CWGC site; Photo MacCarron p.52; H Lawes emails 2007, G. Travers letters 07, S. Poune email and letters 07; Bob Wright emails 2007, P J Maccarthy, Ann T Bell and G. O'Brien of Skiberreen letters.; Flight/RAF Cas 446 Ashworth Missing; Cas 568/1946 M/KIA; Cas 484 & 567 Musk M/KIA]
April 22, 1944 Avro Anson I LT284 B-3 RAF 7 (Observer) AFU, RAF Bishopscourt, N.I. Dublin Baldonnel 0 4 "F/Sgt Raymond TWYFORD 1230496
Sgt Ronald Valentine WESTMORE 1602754
P/O William McGregor ROBINSON J/38338 RCAF
P/O Morris Donald BERRY J/39352 RCAF POW

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1308 & ACF-S-218 for Serial and Crew names; The Grandson of M D Berry contacted in May 2007 with extract from airmans log book confirming name; Robertson p.253; IMA #B89; M D Morris name assumed from R.McNeill POW lists and from help from his RAFCommands forums, Dec06; R. Twyford found (finally) in LG; Finally confirme Westmore's name in AIR78]
April 25, 1944 Avro Anson I DJ639 AJ RAF 10 Radio School, Carew Cheriton, Wales Wexford Off Tuskar Rock 4 0 "F/Lt Robert Irvine JOHNSON 118115 +
F/Sgt Sydney James Herbert YOUNG 424503 RAAF +
F/Sgt Reginald Joseph TUDEHOPE 424479 RAAF +
AC2 Ronald Richard CARR 3025469 +"

                    Image Click on the link button to read the story.

 [Irish MA File G2/X/1310; Tudehope's and Young's casualty file's available on Australian NA; Cummins Ch.18/p.131; CWGC site and AWM Nominal Roll used; IMA #B90; Robertson p.204; Information received from friend of R, Carr, Vic Rogers May 2007; Deric Brock at the Carew Cheritan Museum also assisted; Flight/RAF Cas410 Johnson, Tudehope, Young - M/KOAS, presumed killed in action Cas510 1945; Carr KOAS]
May 5, 1944 Consolidated B-24H-25-FO Liberator 42-95278 None USAAF Air Transport Command, from 8th Air Force Mayo Corradrishy, Foxford 0 10 "2/Lt. William A LUMMUS O-810177
2/Lt Henry A MCCUSKER O-821321
2/Lt John H TUBBS O-704249
F/O James R LOPP O-125252
S/Sgt Elbert E CONWAY 14184708
S/Sgt Joseph S FRAGER 17072124 POW
Sgt Carol D CHEEK 39694635 DIS
Sgt Frank J GUIDA Jr 32769234
Sgt Robert S CLEGGG 35602888 POW
Sgt Henry A NORGAARD 39115937 POW"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1312 & ACF-S-222 gives names; USAAF Crash Report 44-2-20-505; NARA AAD; and AAIA list; Subtype found but no details of loss; IMA #U29; MacCarron p. 27-29; "Foxford: Under The Arches of Time", by J Laffey tells the local story; Assistance received from V Sheridan; McCusker book mentions the incident but the crew names were changed for printing purposes. HA McCuskers daughter contacted in 2006; Photo MacCarron p.29]
May 5, 1944 Lockheed P-38H-1-LO Lightning 42-66638 Unknown USAAF Unknown Meath Gormanstown 0 1 1/Lt Russel E HODGE O-684867
Russel E
                HodgeThis aircraft made a belly landing, flying from Maghaberry, NI at 18:30 hours. Was seen accompanied by another aircraft which flew on when this aircraft crashlanded. The pilot was evacuated over border next day. The damaged aircraft was salvaged and sent over the border on 10 May 1944. USAAF file contains very little information. Russell Hodge was a veteran B-17 bomber co-pilot who had completed his tour of duty with the 388th Bomb Group. He came from Wisconsin and passed away in 1991.
[MA Files G2/X/1315 & ACF-S-223 for name; USAAF Crash report 44-5-5-504; 388th BG website; Google News Archives; S/N from;Subtype from s/n site; IMA #U31; MacCarron p.117]
May 5, 1944 Piper L-4 Grasshopper x 2 43-30052 & 43-30151 Unknown US Army 8th Infantry Division, Artilliary Meath Wickers Cross, Stackallen 0 2 "1/Lt Jack R KIRKPATRICK O-534541
Lt Bernard J COHEN O-2045138 ?"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IMA #U30; MA Files G2/X/1313 & ACF-S-221; Irish NA File A.26; I. Battiloi article, Liason Spoken Here, Summer 1992; Reply to Posting on AB-IX (C. Smith) suggests that 43-30052 is still flying in France as F-GRVN - To be finally confirmed but aircraft photographed here.MacCarron p.121 & 148; US Army Center for Military History Website]
May 16, 1944 Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 42-97747 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command, from 8th Air Force Cork 160 miles SW of Fastnet 0 9 "2/Lt Clarence W FIGHTMASTER O-1291613
2/Lt Neil K GEHRET O-821257
2/Lt Gustav RANZINGER O-699960
2/Lt George SILVERSTEIN O-757050
S/Sgt Harry W CLIFFORD 39908529
S/Sgt Harry A PHILLIPS 35684917
Sgt Carrol S HURDLE 34479180
Cpl Bernard NITKIN 31143663
Cpl Robert D SHAVER 39274851"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IMA #U32; US WW2memorial site has a memorial page for H A Phillips saying he ditched and was picked up by an Irish vessel. Most of crew found to have joined the 401st/91st Bomb Group. Names confirmed on that site and;]
May 29, 1944 Boeing B-17F-40-DL Fortress 42-3279 Badger Beauty' USAAF 652BS / 25BG Kerry Off Ballyfortran / Ballydavid, Dingle 0 8 "2/Lt Michael J. LORENZ Jr O-804695
2/Lt Laurence J. KETTERER O-751548
2/Lt Nathan SWERDLOW O-688480
S/Sgt Arnold W. ""Wes"" WESTERLIN 17164938
S/Sgt Joseph J. BUBULKA 33468840
Sgt Harold TARVIN 36448995
Sgt Lee W. RICHARDSON 15337989
Sgt William Brotherston YOUNG 1870237 RAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Much assistance received in 2006 from Laura Ketterer Workman, Dan Westerlin and Martin Gleeson, thanks all; 25th BG Magazine article by crew; Dan Westerlin, Ken Godfrey Laura Ketterer-Workman and Allen Swerdlowe; MA File G2/X/1318 checked for names and serial numbers only; MacCarron p.125 & 148; Plaque in Ballydavid placed by the WRGI; Travel Channel created a documentary on this incident with the Ketterer, Swerdlowe and Lorenz families; WRGI Website; USAAF Crash report 44-5-29-506; says fire in flight, pilot MJ Lorenz; gives no s/n; IMA #U33; G O'Regan message;]
June 19, 1944 Fairey Swordfish II NE931 K' FAA 813 Sqn, HMS Campania Mayo 1/2 Mile South of Moyteoge Head, Achill Island. 0 3 "S/Lt. Jack ROOKE
S/Lt John Charles KEAREY
LA William James Smith MCRAE FAA/FX. 96155 DIS"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Flypast Feb 1987 (claim for Jun23rd) and M Gleeson 05; MA File G2/X/1322,; Sturtivant 'Swordfish Story' Confirms; Rooke Kearey full name from H Houtermann Jul. 07; IMA list #B91;, See link above for more details.
June 19, 1944 Consolidated Liberator GR.V (B-24D-45-CO) FL990 (42-40310) OH-A RAF 59 Sqn / Ballykelly, N.I. Donegal Carrowtrasna Hill, Stroove, Inishowen Penn. 26-45 8 0 "F/Lt Rowland Paine WADE 88398 +
F/Sgt John ANDERSON 1550924 +
F/Sgt John HAINES 931471 +
F/Sgt James STEER (UTTING) 564898 +
Sgt John COOK 1384560 +
F/O James Alfred PARSONS 128381 +
F/Sgt Kenneth John Nielson APITZ 422370 + RAAF
F/Sgt Norman Athol COOPER 421978 + RAAF "

                    ImageClick on the link button to read the story.

[Quinn p.86 ; D. Earl HoHGv1, p201; IMA #B94; MacCarron p.35 & 38; Robertson p.220; ABS agrees, all names checked on CWGC and AWM Nominal Roll, Apitz files available on Aust. NA site.; Quinn used as source]
June 19, 1944 Consolidated Liberator GR.V (B-24D-45-CO) FL989 (42-40308) OH-L RAF 59 Sqn / Ballykelly, N.I. Donegal Glengad Head, Inishowen Penn. 25-45 8 0 "W/O Norman Robert LANGTON 921402 +
F/O Percy Edward DICKINSON 152474 +
F/O John CRUICKSHANK 152578 +
W/O Vaughan Albert MCLELLAN R/73406 + RCAF
F/Sgt Pierre Elzear Rodolphe BAILLARGEON R/96940 + RCAF
Sgt Stanley James TRUSSON 1321794 +
Sgt Thomas Henry EDWARDS 631216 +
F/Sgt Cyril Lambert KERSHAW 1100819 +"
Link Image

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Quinn p.84; D. Earl HoHGv1, p201; A school profile of McLellan is found at Moncton School site. IMA #B92 OR 93; MacCarron p.35 & 38; Robertson p.220; ABS agrees; All names checked on CWGC]
June 19, 1944 Consolidated B-24J-1-FO Liberator 42-50721 Unknown USAAF Air Transport Command, from 8th Air Force Donegal Abbeyland, Ballyshannon 18-37 2 8 "2/Lt Arthur H. DITTMER O-818843 DIS
2/Lt Marvin J. REDDICK O-813419 POW
2/Lt Arnold A. H. GRUEBER O-716650 POW
2/Lt Wayne R. DAVIS O-717040 POW
S/Sgt Lester M. CLARK 16731214
Sgt Edward J. FRIEDL 15374339
Sgt Carlos F. MAESTAS 37344981 +
Sgt George H. SMITH 14162110
Cpl James O. E. HARVEY 38100520
Cpl Riley W. CANNON 38532991 +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[USAAF Crash Report 44-6-19-504; Marvin Reddick alive and well in 2008, contacted by his son Jim.; Information received from J O'Loughlan; Donegal Democrat Article, 21/Jun/05; Order of Service leaflet via Joe O'Loughlan, memorial ceremony June 19th 2005; Sligo Weekender 10/05/2005 re memorial at Ballyshannon; Quinn p.112; IMA #U34; MacCarron p.35 & 38]
June 23, 1944 Fairey Swordfish II HS609 A3 FAA 836 Sqn, 'A' Flight, RNAS Maydown Mayo 6 m/N OF Blacksod LOP, Elly Bay, In Field on Blacksod - Belmullet RD 0 3 "S/Lt William Gordon COATES
S/Lt James Geoffrey BANKS
LA Selwyn Stanley ROACH"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IMA #B95; MA Files G2/X/1326 & ACF-S-229 for names, location, serial and markings. Given as HF609 but this not a Swordfish, possibly HS609; Robertson p.231 & 225; ABIX/Lee Howard info May/05; Flypast Feb 1987 mixes this up with Jun19 a/c ; Sturtivant 'Swordfish Story'; H Houterman for names information Jul 07; M Gleeson for Roach name Sep 07]
July 13, 1944 Consolidated Liberator GR.V (B-24D-15-CF) BZ910 (41-63898) F RAF 120 Sqn Donegal In sea nr. Inishtrahull Lighthouse 24-46 5 4 "W/O Harold Sidney CRUTTENDEN 1336640 +
F/Sgt Cyril Arthur PEATEY 1585409 +
F/Lt Henry Joseph BATES 122065
F/Sgt Theophilus PYE 1324862 +
Sgt Clifford Washington STEVENSON 1810168
F/Sgt John Arthur BLAIR 1105608 +
F/Sgt James Kenneth LOGAN RNZAF NZ417218
P/O Charles Edward TOWSLEY J/93960 + RCAF
F/Sgt George Leslie HENDY 1575570"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1328; Cruttenden Connections site by Ian Cruttenden, Thanks for the very generous sharing of information and corrections Ian!; Copy of towsley service file from CanNA to confirm serial numbers; E. Martyn info on JK Logan Aug. 2006; Quinn p.98, errors in names, casualty numbers incorrect; IMA #B96; MacCarron p.35; Robertson p.200; RAF Commands Forum thread Nov 2005; ABS AA-AZ confirms loss and unit; Bates name matches with inform in ORB for promotion; Confirmed Hendy and Stevenson names in AIR78]
July 20, 1944 Lockheed F-5B-1-LO Lightning 42-68216 Shuu Shuu Baby' USAAF 31 PRS / 10 PRG Offaly Clonsast Bog 0 1 F/O Iris L DILLON T-1964
Forced landing in bog following running low on fuel. Plane overturned and the pilot was assisted by local turf cutting (TDB) employees. Pilot reported flying from Station F465 (Chalgrove) in UK. The Pilot was accomodated in Baldonnel for the night and passed across the border the following day. Aircraft fully salvaged by 29 Sept. to RAFNI. AFHR message says pilot was with 31st PRS when it was in France in August 1944. He may have been assigned to the 7th PRG at the time. Iris Dillon passed away in Colorado in December 2010. MacCarron says aircraft was with 'Focus Cat' unit which was name for the 13th PRS/7th PRG later. [MA File G2/X/1330, for majority of details; IMA #U35; MacCarron p.116; J Baugher for a/c type]
August 12, 1944 Short S.25 Sunderland III NJ175 T RAF 422 (RCAF) Sqn Donegal Corlea, Cashelard 19-36 3 9 "F/L Evan Campbell 'Cam' DEVINE J/5705 RCAF +
F/O Martin 'Alex' Alexander PLATSKO J/24784 RCAF
F/O Roy Thomas WILKINSON J/28705 RCAF +
F/O George Willoughby ALLEN J/24911 RCAF
P/O Robert Clifford ""Bob"" PARKER C/86728 RCAF
Sgt Harold Roger JEAL R/75336 RCAF
Sgt Joseph Frank S CLARK 1694120
P/O Arthur Leslie LOCKE J/85165 RCAF
P/O John Reginald 'Jack' FORREST J/92096 RCAF +
Sgt Delbert Venus 'Bert' ODERKIRK R/161807 RCAF
Sgt Charles 'Chuck' Langford SINGER R/206461 RCAF
Sgt George Arnold COLBURNE R/217572

Click on the link button to read the story.

. [Devine, Willkinson, Parker and Forrest's (Forrest promoted P/O on the day) Service Records Lib/Arc Canada; Canadian NA confirm full names; J F S Clark name on BMD databases, beleived to have died Jan 1993; O'Loughlan 30/11/04; CWGC site checked for the dead; Quinn p.69; IMA #B97; MacCarron p.35; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.265; Singer s/n from BBC YPAM, Some crew names in newspaper RCAF casualty lists, Allen and Platsko seriously injured]
August 31, 1944 Fairey Swordfish HS410 Unknown FAA HMS Urley, Isle Of Man Meath Gormanstown 0 2 "S/Lt (A) Derek Rufus Edward LEWISTON
Lt. Comm Charles Henry HAYWARD RNVR "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[IMA #B98, MA Files G2/X/1337 & ACF-S-234; M Gleeson notes, 2010 (A/C Serial number and notes from D R E Lewiston, MacCarron p.59, Suggestions of men from H Houterman, Navy List Aug 45, to be confirmed Hayward was then met officer in IoM; IoM Museum not able to suggest a/c or crew]
September 4, 1944 Fairey Swordfish III NR890 C' FAA 811 Sqn, RNAS Eglington Sligo Carrowcaslan, Skreen, Two (2) miles south of Aughris Head LOP 0 2 "S/Lt (A). Alan Dougal ARCUS RNZNVR
S/Lt (A). Dennis Hugh PENDER"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1338; Location confirmed with M Gleeson; Lee Howard E-mail 18/10/2005; Sturtivant 'Swordfish Story' Confirms; E. Martyn info Mar. 2007; H Houterman comfirmed names from Navy list; IMA #B99; McGowan; MacCarron p.59]
September 5, 1944 Consolidated 28 Catalina IVB (Boeing PB2B-1) JX422 (USN BuAer #73093) None RAF 45 Group Transport Command Limerick Foynes 0 5 "Wayne Frederick LANSING (Civ)
Charles Alfred CHILDS (Civ)
F/O John Henry HORLER 153748
F/Sgt Thomas Anthony BAXTER 633692
Marcel Mendel MORRIS (Civ)"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1339 & ACF-S-236; Letter from J H Horler, 2013 confirmed his name, previously thought to be Harley; Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; Horler's name determined from records by chance; Wally Fydenchuk helped with Lansing name; MacCarron p.24; s/n found in & JBaughers site. ; IMA #B100; Robertson p.237]
September 6, 1944 Short S.25 Sunderland III ML823 Unknown RAF 423 (RCAF) Sqn Donegal Off Bloody Foreland, Donegal 18-44 9 1 "F/O Edwin Earl MCCANN J/19316 + RCAF
F/O Frederick William GREENWOOD J/25809 + RCAF
F/Lt George Francis CORNWELL J/12284 + RCAF
F/Sgt Lawrence Patrick QUINN 1483347 +
W/O Joseph Alphonse Raymond DORE R/96824 + RCAF
W/O Robert Henry VOYCE RCAF R/145054
Sgt Nigel McColl ANDERSON 1365274 +
Sgt John Edwin CATON 1697877 +
F/O Herbert Stanley SEIBOLD J/35190 RCAF +
F/O Kenneth Mons LIDDLE 149353 +
This aircraft crashed offshore and there was no Irish Military Involvement: Included as I was asked to assist in 2004. [Service Records of all the Canadian dead from Lib/Arc Canada. Greenwood and Cornwell's bodies recovered from the sea some time after the crash. Cornwell's body was recovered but was buried at sea from HMS Braithwaite, Greenwood buried in Irvinestown C of I Cemetery, N.I. ; O'Loughlan 30/11/04; MacCarron p.35; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.258 Mk.III, Names checked fully on, Mentioned Shearwater Museum, CA; Not in IMA list]
September 14, 1944 North American P-51D-10-NA Mustang 44-14295 J2-R USAAF 435 FS/479 FG Louth Dawestown, Jenkinstown, near Trumpet Hil (Kippings Hill) 1 0 2/Lt Ivan A ERVIN O-769180 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1345 & ACF-S-238 and USAAF Crash report 45-9-14-506; MACR9248; Information from US AFHRO 2008;, confirms this s/n; IMA #U36, ( Source Terry A Fairfield book: Ref)]
September 14, 1944 Consolidated PB4Y-1 Liberator (B-24J-165-CO) 38799 (44-40511) Unknown USN Fleet Air Wing 5 / COMPAT WINGSLANT Galway Near Ballyconeely, Survivors came ashore, aircraft came down out to sea in Donegal Bay. 5 5 "Lt James O TRUDEAU
Ens. Carl Grey SNAVELY Jr. O-320784 +
Ens. Phillip Arthur MILLS O-326268 +
ARM2c Joseph Gerard FLEUCHER 6008586 +
AMM3c Vernon Howard PETERSEN 06129105 +
S1c Henry Elnathan BECKWITH +
S1c Frank P CICERO
AMM2 Wilbur D LYLE
Link Image

Click on the link button to read the story.

Lost at sea following loss of bearings and running low on fuel. Flying from Goose Bay. The sea conditions made it difficult for crew to reach the one life raft which could be launched. Five (5) survivors reach Galway on September 16 after 36 hours afloat. One man, Beckwith, died in raft. Crew kept in Clifden Hospital until the 21 September. They were flown home from Lough Neagh on October 1. The missing are remembered on the Cambridge American Cemetery Tablets of the Missing and buried at Sea. [MA Files G2/X/1346 & ACF-S-237; US Navy Crash Card Received; and J Baugher site; MacCarron p.106 & 148, states 3 survivors, text is confusing, ABMC checked, Beckwith only body recovered]
September 30, 1944
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress A/C #878 A USAAF 452 BG Mayo Possibly off the coast of Mayo 0 9 "1/Lt Clifton W ECCLES O-764623
2Lt Victor M DUMAS O-555881
2Lt Joseph A MODRICK O-737145
2Lt William D BLADES O-75767
T/Sgt Douglas E EDWARDS 18194191
T/Sgt Paul G BABB 35038470
Sgt Kennerd WILSON 37726293
S/Sgt Edmond A LACY 14153106
S/Sgt Jack A TRIPLETT Jr 35769461"
Aircraft was abandoned over the Wash, Norfolk after an engine fire but turned about after being abandoned and flew back across England and Ireland, finaly disappearing out over the Atlantic. The aircraft was loaded for a bombing raid and thus raised massive concerns for the authorities in the areas it overflew. The story was carried by the Western People newspaper and many American newspapers in the days that followed. Crew names from J Howard, 452nd BG historian. The crew all survived the bail out and were rescued by a launch.
October 4, 1944 Vickers Wellington G.R. XIV HF450 E RAF 172 Sqn. Galway In sea near Salt Hill, Galway Bay 1 5 "S/Ldr Geoffrey Charles ALINGTON 40974
F/O Stanley David GAUDIN + J/37642 RCAF
P/O Edward George TEED 176142
F/Sgt Raymond ELDERKIN 1332910
W/O Thomas Francis O'NEILL 421002 RAAF
F/Sgt William Wood Mitchell OUCHTERLONIE 1368136

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1349 & ACF-S-239; Gaudin Service record, Lib/Arc Canada; O'Neill SR on Aus NA.McMaster University Alumni Site;E. Martyn Info Aug. 06; message forums, Sqn and type,; IMA #B102 date 05.10.1944; Robertson p.224; confirmed first names from AIR78 and Gaudins RCAF service file NoK details]
October 7, 1944 Avro Anson Unknown Unknown RAF Unknown Dublin Baldonnel - - TBD
Reviewed ACF-S-241 only and not the possible main file. Is mentioned on the lists in the F/A file A.26 in the NA; IMA #B103, Info will be in MISC 6/06 in MA and ACF-S-241
December 9, 1944 Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR Donegal Ballinterrick 0 0 ERROR
This date given in MacCarron pg.148, referring to p.126, calling aircraft Bar Fly flown by F Rowan. This p.148 in error, Rowan crash in Feb. 1944, see above.
December 17, 1944 Miles Martinet TT I HP370 Unknown RAF 131 (C) OTU Sligo In Mount Batton Estate, Cassie Bawn, Mullaghmore 0 2 "P/O Lionel Kenneth James SPINNEY 133760
F/Sgt JONES 1416110"
Forced landing, aircraft dismantled and handed over the border on 21 Dec. Crew were handed over the border later that day. [MA Files G2/X/1366 & ACF-S-243 AND SI/721; Spinney name confirmed from LG; O'Loughlan 30/11/04, 11/01/05; McGowan; IMA #B104; Robertson p.231]
December 20, 1944 Consolidated 28 Catalina IVA (PBY-5B) JX208 TQ-F RAF 202 Sqn Kerry Benoskee Mountain, Stradbally, Castlegregory 9 0 "F/Lt Anthony Basil LANGTON 114373 +
F/Sgt Peter Lloyd LOWE 1322824 +
F/Sgt Eric WILLIAMS 1586500 +
W/O Robert Raymond PERKINS 196829 +
Sgt George Alfred CUTHBERT 1666665 +
Sgt James Malcolm WOTHERSPOON 1494496 +
Sgt Reginald Frank DAMANT 1397870 +
Sgt Henry George ALDRICH 1294808 +
Sgt Albert Raymond LEWIS 2204497 +

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1367 & ACF-S-244; checked; J. O'Loughlan Kileadeas list; MacCarron p.25, WRGI Website has 20/12/43; Confirmed s/n from JBaugher site &; IMA #B105; Robertson p.237 Confirms IVA type; Dave Earl MSG forum]
February 9, 1945 Handley Page H.P.57 Halifax B.III MZ980 8A-U, A Flt RAF 298 (GT) Sqn, Tarrant Rushden Sligo Off Mullaghmore 2 4 "F/Lt John CARR J/21035 + RCAF
F/O Delmer Ronald MCGILLIVRAY J/24978 RCAF DIS
F/O George DIXON 157924 DIS
W/O James Ewart BUNN R/203548 RCAF DIS
F/Sgt James Beedham WALKER 1541521 DIS
Sgt John Alan MCKAINE + 1892951 "

Click on the link button to read the story.

. [MA File G2/X/1373, RAF 38 Group website lists the dead; Tarrant Rushton Airfield Website mentions in Feb. 1945 station Diary. IMA #B106, Quinn p.113, gives s/n MZ908, but MZ980 on p. 122; McGowan give dead crew data recovery; MacCarron p. 53 & 149 but suggests all crew survived. O'Loughlan 11/02/05, date 9th ?; Robertson p.262
February 10, 1945 Consolidated Liberator GR. VIII (B-24J-100-CF) KK295 / 44-44376 None RAF 45 Group Transport Command Donegal Ballystocker, Portsalon Beach, Lough Swilly 22-45 0 5 "Capt. Lee Roy RAWLINGS (Civ)
Capt. George R PIGEON (Civ)
F/Sgt Leonard William SMITH 937181
F/O William WRIGHT J/35225 RCAF
F/O Walter Harold SCOTT J/39408 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1374 and ACF-S-247; Canadian DHH Letter Aug. 2006; US Serial numbers Website; IMA #B107, Quinn p.112; MacCarron p.35 & 149; Robertson p.241 and confirms it as a pre-delivery loss]
February 15, 1945 Martin B-26G-20-MA Marauder 44-68079 None USAAF Air Transport Command (Ferry Flight) Wexford Rahen More, Killenagh 0 2 "1/Lt Kenneth D MACE O-745434
Cpl. James D BUSSER Jr 13030699"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[Irish MA file G2/X/1380; Cummins Ch. 16/p.117; IMA #U38; MacCarron p.118 & 149;]
March 10, 1945 Avro Anson I NK241 Unknown RAF 19 Staging Post, RAF Perranporth Roscommon Ballaghderreen 0 1 S/Ldr John BOWIE 76307

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[MA Files G2/X/1391 & ACF-S-249, IMA #B108; MacCarron p.81 & 149 s/n wrong MK241; Robertson p.258 gives s/n MK241 as Spitfire IX, Serial NK241 confirmed on RAFComm forum April05.
March 14, 1945 Hawker Hurricane IIC PZ774 Unknown RAF 1402 Met Flight Donegal Hill Head, Gleneely, Moville, Inishowen Penn. 25-45 0 1 F/O Robert Leslie BRAMLEY 172117

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[MA Files G2/X/1393 & ACF-S-250; IMA #B110; MacCarron p.35 & 149; Robertson p.274
March 14, 1945 Short S.25 Sunderland III ML743 A RAF 201 Sqn Donegal Crownard Hill, Killybegs 16-38 12 0 "F/Lt Denis Ralph HATTON 129070 +
P/O Robert Douglas Albert BECKER J/94373 + RCAF
F/Sgt Stanley Bernard FRITH 1622351 +
F/Lt Vivian HOWKINS 52705 +
F/Lt John Percival GARRARD 410653 + RAAF
F/Sgt David John Thomas TWIST 1233231 +
Sgt James MCAVOY 1569940 +
F/O Edward Norman CAVE 174865 +
F/Sgt Norman DAVISON 1091488 +
F/Sgt James George ROBINSON 1580143 +
F/Sgt George Reginald KENNEDY 1257641 +
F/Sgt Frederick Nicholas George FORD 1587824 +"

Click on the link button to read the story.

. [MA Files G2/X/1392 & ACF-S- 251, reviewed for names only IMA #B109, Quinn p.73; RAFCommands forum crew names slight difference; MacCarron 19, 35 & 149; O'Loughlan Sunderland File/Names: 2004; Robertson p.258 Mk.III; Garrard's Caualty file is digitised on NAA]
April 5, 1945 Avro Anson I W1709 42 RAF 7 (Observer) AFU, RAF Bishopscourt, N.I. Dublin Dublin Airport, Colinstown 0 5 "F/Sgt Arthur BANKS 1458368
Sgt Frederick Ewen BAWCUTT 1825006
Sgt Donald John MCLEOD R/192444 RCAF
Sgt Derek LANGLEY 1570484
Sgt Frederick FITZNER R/253936 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1397 & ACF-S-252 for Serial and marking; Not on IMA list; MacCarron p.149 and maybe 81, ; Robinson p. 163; can't trace names, Contacted by Garth Fitzner, nephew of Fitzner in Feb 2008; Confirmed Bawcutt, Banks and Langley names in AIR78 files, Irish Army had recorded him as Landley]
April 7, 1945 Supermarine Spitfire PR.XI EN409 BE-? RAF 8 O.T.U./ Haverfordwest, Wales Clare Poulawillin, Miltown Malbay, Spanish Point 0 1 F/O Edward Andrew MILLER J/27762 RCAF
Spitfire EN409 at
                Spanish Point, Miltown MalbayEdward A
Force landed at 17:05 in Poulawillin townland, in a place locally called Hanrahans Field. Pilot was brought to Baldonnel on the 9 April 1945. Aircraft salvaged by 13 April. [MA Files G2/X/1399 & ACF-S-254; M. Gleeson NMAJ 2006; Basic details on, Subtype taken from this source; MacCarron p.99, 100 & 149, described as a PR.XIX ; IMA #B111; Robertson p.213 givers this serial as F.IX version]
May 5, 1945 Junkers Ju-88 G-6C 621642 D5+GH Luftwaffe I/NJG.3 Meath Gormanstown 0 3 "Ofw. Herbert GIESEKE
Gefr. Bernhard KRUSCHYNA
Uffz. Horst SCHMIDT"
Crew defected/escaped from Denmark. The aircraft was taken over by the RAF and carried the Air Ministry serial number VK888. It was flown out on 1 June 1945 by E. M. Brown and Miller RAF (see below).
[Refs: See Cummins & Horgan, LEoI, Chapter 24; Cummin's Information supplied Aug06 & File 01/06; MA Files G2/X/1407 & ACF-S-255; E. M. Brown letter Sept. 2006; IMA #G22; MacCarron p.96 & 149. Gives new RAF serial as DK888 but as VK888 in W.o.I; Robertson p.294; M O'Reilly, Irelands Eye, Sep 2005]
May 21, 1945 Short S.29 Stirling IV LJ934 G5-Y RAF 190 Sqn / RAF Great Dunmow Meath Gormanstown 0 4 "2/Lt. Craig C. BLISS O-2011427 (USAAF)
F/O James Joseph MCDOWELL J/26690 RCAF
P/O George William FAIRWEATHER 189723
Cpl Arthur Thomas William CHISLETT 901233"
RAF Stirling
                at Gormanstown
This aircraft made an emergency landing on the aerodrome while en route to Maghaberry, Northern Ireland.  Photographed above alongside an Irish Air Corps Anson.   ORB states that bad weather caused the diversion.  [M Gleeson kindly supplied the full crew list (Thanks!); Photo in Flypast Feb 1987, markings given (Supplied by P Cummins), M Reid & S Mintram-Mason match this info to LJ934. Suggested pilots name; MA File ACF-S-257 only, G2 file is missing in this case; MacCarron p.81 (photo) & p.147; IMA #B112, Checked against Robinson., Also Bruno on; Bliss on AAD and SSID, Chislett name confirmed from AIR78 files but serial umbner differs from that recorded by Irish Army 731961 ?]
June 1, 1945 Airspeed Oxford I PH191 Unknown RAF RAE Farnborough Meath Gormanstown 0 6 "F/Lt Samuel Eric 'Red' ESLER 121938 DFC
Act. Lt. Cdr (A) Eric Melrose 'Winkle' BROWN DSC MBE RNVR
Mr. Miller (Civilian)
Unk -
Unk -
Unk -
This aircraft brought in a team to fly out the interned Ju-88, see above. E. M. Brown wrote to me in Sept. 2006 explained that Elser piloted in the aircraft, with Brown and 4 RAF technical staff. PH191 was later was flown to Baldonnel on the next day by Brown and flown home by Esler.  He could not recall any more details of the other four occupants. [Not on IMA list as was expected.; Robertson p.271, Elser died in a crash in 1949 testing an aircraft.]
June 24, 1945 Grumman Hellcat I (F6F-3) JV176 K' FAA 891 Sqn / RNAS Eglington, NI Donegal Greencastle Golf Course, Greencastle, Inishowen Penn. 26-44 0 1 S/Lt. Gerald Wills WORNER RNZNVR

Click on the link button to read the story.

.[MA Files G2/X/1421 & ACF-S-257 - Pilot name, A/C S/N and mention of the carrier name.; E. Martyn info Mar. 2007; Irish Times Article June 26; IMA #B113; MacCarron p.35, Named incorrect as Martlet; Robertson p.236; Photo's MacCarron p.58/59]
June 27, 1945 Fairey Barracuda III MD897 R5D FAA 1 (N) OTU Wexford Stoneyford - Ballyell, Broadway 0 3 "S/Lt Roy David GRUMMITT DIS
Mid. Gordon Campbell KING

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[MA File G2/X/1422; Cummins Ch.17/p.121; Irish Times article June 28, 1945; IMA #B114; MacCarron p.60; Robertson p.257]
June 28, 1945 de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito FB.26 KA317 Unknown RAF 45 Group Transport Command Galway Ballinduff, Liffatulla, Ardrahan 1 1 "F/Lt Gordon Frederick AYTON 51167 +
F/O Hans Raymond ANDERSON J/38661 RCAF"

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA File G2/X/1423; RAFCommands message forum Aug2004 thread (T Kearns & M Gleeson); Contacted the son and cousin of G F Ayton in 2008; Christie, p.329;; IMA #B115; Robertson p.237]
July 29, 1945 Lockheed R3O-2 (12-A Electra Junior) 2947 (c/n 1287) None USN FAW-7, RAF Hendon Mayo Rehins, Ballina 0 4 "1/Lt Charles C. DOLD O-828963
Mr. Frederick Sidney COTTON
Mr. JONASSES ?"" "

Click on the link button to read the story.

[MA Files G2/X/1426 & ACF-S-260, See link for further sources; IMA #U39] Photo MacCarron p.16, this is not Ventura, notice cowl shape and twin blade propellors.
November 12, 1945 Boeing B-17G-70-DL Fortress 44-6883 Unknown USAAF BADA, HQ Burtonwood, UK Dublin Baldonnel 0 3 "Maj Frederick B. JOHNSON O-661102
S/Sgt Egon L ECK 35316683
Lt/Col James J SHOWN O-913379

Click on the link button to read the story.

[USAAF Crash Report 46-11-12-501; MA Files MISC 6/07 & CF/4883; Irish Times and Irish Independent news reports, November 13, 1945; and AAIA listed this a/c; Baugher's site: 6883 (381st BG, 535th BS, *RAFAAF*) salvaged Oct 31, 1945.;381st BG says 44-6883 G MS Q RAFAAF 535 Salvaged 4/11/45 Douglas; ; IMA #U40; check with Burtonwood assoc. but they have no record.]
- - - - - - - Killed 336 666 Survivors / Others

These totals should only be taken as reference. They include personnel that were lost at sea and were washed up/or were never recovered in some cases. Some of the entries above do not have totals against them. Also, some of these entries are not considered 'Irish' losses as there was no Irish military or police involvement or reports there of.

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